javascript - 在不知道索引的情况下从数组中删除对象

标签 javascript arrays

我需要使用 splice 方法从数组中删除一个元素,但我不知道要删除的对象的索引。我尝试添加一个模仿索引的 ID 来删除该项目,但这似乎不起作用。

RandomiseNextQuestion: function(player1qs) {

    // Pick a random question
    this.Questions = player1qs;
    var rand = Math.floor(Math.random() * player1qs.length);
    function findQ(q) { 
        return q.qId === rand;

    this.CurrentQuestion = player1qs.find(findQ);

    if(this.CurrentQuestion) {
        // Process question

    // Remove that question so it can't be used again
    this.Questions.splice(this.CurrentQuestion.qId, 1);




var yourArray = ['bla','bloe','blie'];

var elementPos = yourArray.indexOf('bloe');
console.log(elementPos); // this will show the index of the element you want

yourArray.splice(elementPos,1); // this wil remove the element 



getRandomQuestion: function(playerQuestions) {
    // Pick a random question and return question and index of question
    this.questions = playerQuestions;
    var rand = Math.floor(Math.random() * playerQuestions.length);
    return this.questions[rand];

removeQuestion: function(question, playerQuestions){
       playerQuestions.splice(playerQuestions.indexOf(question), 1);
       return playerQuestions; // removes question and gives back the remaining questions

processQuestion: function(question){
//do something with the question

// you would call it like this
var questionsPlayer1 = ["the meaning of life", "the answer to everything"]
var question = getRandomQuestion(questionsPlayer1);
removeQuestion(question, questionsPlayer1);

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