java - 从 spring boot 测试调用的@Caching 方法[用@Transactional 注释] 不起作用

标签 java spring spring-boot caching redis

我正在使用 redis 缓存和 spring boot 注释[@Cacheable 和@CahePut], 我制作了 RedisManager transactionAware,它将使用外部事务[缓存层的调用者]

public RedisCacheManager cacheManager() {
    RedisCacheManager rcm = 
    return rcm;

在进行如下测试时,我使用的是嵌入式 redis-:

public class RoleServiceImplTest extends TestingProfile {

public void setup() throws Exception {
    //setup server and services

    redisServer = new RedisServer(redisPort);
    public void getUsersForRoleForTemplateRole() {
    // call to caching layer methods directly annotated with @Cachable

... 两次 [带和不带 @Transactional] spring 都毫无异常(exception)地调用 cache.put(key,result) 但它只在没有 @Transactional 的情况下保留值。



简而言之,只需将 @CommitRollback(false) 注释放在您的类或测试方法上即可。

在测试方法之后,Spring 默认回滚每个事务。

In the TestContext framework, transactions are managed by the TransactionalTestExecutionListener, which is configured by default, even if you do not explicitly declare @TestExecutionListeners on your test class. To enable support for transactions, however, you must configure a PlatformTransactionManager bean in the ApplicationContext that is loaded with @ContextConfiguration semantics (further details are provided later). In addition, you must declare Spring’s @Transactional annotation either at the class or the method level for your tests.

Declarative Rollback and Commit Behavior

By default, test transactions will be automatically rolled back after completion of the test; however, transactional commit and rollback behavior can be configured declaratively via the @Commit and @Rollback annotations at the class level and at the method level.

关于java - 从 spring boot 测试调用的@Caching 方法[用@Transactional 注释] 不起作用,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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