javascript - HighCharts getJson - 无法显示

标签 javascript highcharts

我的服务器返回的 Json

    "data": [{
        "name": "name",
        "data": ["[Date.UTC(2017, 01, 25), 89]",
                 "[Date.UTC(2017, 01, 26), 99]",
                 "[Date.UTC(2017, 02, 02), 106]",
                 "[Date.UTC(2017, 02, 04), 102]",
                 "[Date.UTC(2017, 02, 07), 110]",
                 "[Date.UTC(2017, 10, 31), 155]"]

我使用的代码仅来 self 生成的数据(上图)


Please Remove one T from bit ly
    $.getJSON('', function (csv) {
        Highcharts.chart('container', {
        chart: {
            type: 'spline'
        title: {
            text: 'Keyword Tracking'
        subtitle: {
            text: 'Top 20 Keywords'
        xAxis: {
            type: 'datetime',
            dateTimeLabelFormats: { // don't display the dummy year
                month: '%e. %b',
                year: '%b'
            title: {
                text: 'Date'
        yAxis: {
            title: {
                text: 'Snow depth (m)'
            min: 0
        tooltip: {
            headerFormat: '<b>{}</b><br>',
            pointFormat: '{point.x:%e. %b}: {point.y:.2f} m'

        plotOptions: {
            spline: {
                marker: {
                    enabled: true

        series: csv['data']



只需将良好的属性 series 添加到成功调用 $.getJSON 中的对象 json 返回中,就像您所做的那样。但本例根据脚本需要创建一个属性 series ,并将 data 的值影响series >删除数据你就完成了。

    $.getJSON('', function (csv) {
        csv.series =;//new attribute series affected to data
        delete; //delete data to have the good object
        Highcharts.chart('container', {
        chart: {
            type: 'spline'
        title: {
            text: 'Keyword Tracking'
        subtitle: {
            text: 'Top 20 Keywords'
        xAxis: {
            type: 'datetime',
            dateTimeLabelFormats: { // don't display the dummy year
                month: '%e. %b',
                year: '%b'
            title: {
                text: 'Date'
        yAxis: {
            title: {
                text: 'Snow depth (m)'
            min: 0
        tooltip: {
            headerFormat: '<b>{}</b><br>',
            pointFormat: '{point.x:%e. %b}: {point.y:.2f} m'

        plotOptions: {
            spline: {
                marker: {
                    enabled: true

        series: csv['data']


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