javascript - Typescript 组件运行正确,但表示存在错误,因为它无法识别那里的属性

标签 javascript typescript properties

我正在使用 Three.js 库在屏幕上绘制图像。当我创建我的 keywords = THREE.point(geometry, Materials) 时, typescript 说在 keywords.geometry.vertices 中不存在顶点,但是当我运行我的模块时,所有内容都会加载并响应,除此之外它还给我这个错误,说 vertices 确实存在不存在,如果它们不存在,我就不会绘制该图像。

几何体有一个叫做顶点的属性,当我通过 Three.point(geometry,material); 创建对象粒子时我从几何体中获取所有顶点,并通过执行 this.articles.geometry.vertices 来访问它们,但 typescript 说该属性在几何体中不存在,即使它有效。

尽管一切都按预期执行,但仍出现错误图片: enter image description here 文本错误:

[at-loader] ./ClientApp/app/components/shared/backgroundScene/backgroundScene.component.ts:146:53 
    TS2339: Property 'vertices' does not exist on type 'Geometry | BufferGeometry'.
  Property 'vertices' does not exist on type 'BufferGeometry'.
[at-loader] ./ClientApp/app/components/shared/backgroundScene/backgroundScene.component.ts:147:56 
    TS2339: Property 'vertices' does not exist on type 'Geometry | BufferGeometry'.
  Property 'vertices' does not exist on type 'BufferGeometry'.
[at-loader] ./ClientApp/app/components/shared/backgroundScene/backgroundScene.component.ts:152:33 
    TS2339: Property 'verticesNeedUpdate' does not exist on type 'Geometry | BufferGeometry'.
  Property 'verticesNeedUpdate' does not exist on type 'BufferGeometry'.

绘制图像的源代码(其中显示顶点不存在)位于渲染中,drawImage 仅显示我如何添加到粒子中。一切工作正常,我只是不明白为什么当一切正常工作时我会收到这些错误。如果您知道如何获取类型以便我可以在对象中看到这些属性,请告诉我。如果您想知道的话,我已经导入了 Threejs 和打字内容,并且这些工作正常。当属性存在并且 typescript 说它不存在时,我只是在访问对象的属性时遇到问题,但当我运行我的代码时,我可以看到它确实存在。

public render() {

    // Draw image to screen
    for (var i = 0, j = this.particles.geometry.vertices.length; i < j; i++) {
        var particle:any = this.particles.geometry.vertices[i];
        particle.x += (particle.destination.x - particle.x) * particle.speed;
        particle.y += (particle.destination.y - particle.y) * particle.speed;
        particle.z += (particle.destination.z - particle.z) * particle.speed;
    this.particles.geometry.verticesNeedUpdate = true;

public drawImage() {

    // Create vertices to draw the image.
    for (var y = 0, y2 = this.imageData.height; y < y2; y += 2) {
        for (var x = 0, x2 = this.imageData.width; x < x2; x += 2) {
            if ([(x * 4 + y * 4 * this.imageData.width) + 3] > 128) {

                let vertex:any = new THREE.Vector3();
                vertex.x = Math.random() * 1000 - 500;
                vertex.y = Math.random() * 1000 - 500;
                vertex.z = -Math.random() * 500;

                vertex.destination = {
                    x: x - this.imageData.width / 2,
                    y: -y + this.imageData.height / 2,
                    z: 0

                vertex.speed = Math.random() / 200 + 0.015;

    this.particles = new THREE.Points(this.geometry, this.material);



我发现的修复不是最干净的,但我明确地将我的粒子转换到 for 循环中的任何它说顶点不存在的地方。我变了




(this.particles as any).geometry.vertices.length;

然后在我的 tsconfig 中将 noImplicitAny 标志设置为 true。

"noImplicitAny": true

关于javascript - Typescript 组件运行正确,但表示存在错误,因为它无法识别那里的属性,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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