javascript - 内置[[Call]]和[[Construct]]算法理解

标签 javascript ecmascript-6

9.3.1 [[Call]](thisArgument, argumentsList)

  1. Let result be the Completion Record that is the result of evaluating F in an implementation-defined manner that conforms to the specification of F. thisArgument is the this value, argumentsList provides the named parameters, and the NewTarget value is undefined.

9.3.2 [[Construct]](argumentsList, newTarget)

  1. Let result be the Completion Record that is the result of evaluating F in an implementation-defined manner that conforms to the specification of F. The this value is uninitialized, argumentsList provides the named parameters, and newTarget provides the NewTarget value.



result of evaluating F in an implementation-defined manner that conforms to the specification of F

开始,这一行在 section 9.3.1section 9.3.2 。重要的是要考虑这里的上下文。如果你看the summary of section 9.3

The built-in function objects defined in this specification may be implemented as either ECMAScript function objects (9.2) whose behaviour is provided using ECMAScript code or as implementation provided function exotic objects whose behaviour is provided in some other manner. In either case, the effect of calling such functions must conform to their specifications.


例如,函数可以用 C++ 或 JS 引擎执行的任何其他语言来实现。所需要的只是该函数执行规范指定的操作。然而,它不必在 JS 本身中实现。

If the specification describes this, then where is the description of the evaluation?

由于本节是关于“内置函数”的,因此这里的行为是规范为 JS 函数定义行为的任​​何地方。例如,如果我们查看 section 17它指出:

Unless otherwise specified, each built-in function defined in this specification is created as if by calling the CreateBuiltinFunction abstract operation (9.3.3).


  1. Let P be ? ToPropertyKey(V).
  2. Let O be ? ToObject(this value).
  3. Return ? HasOwnProperty(O, P).


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