javascript - 在 Array.filter 中使用 Set.has - 不兼容的接收器

标签 javascript this

假设我有一个 Set 作为查找表。

const myset = new Set(["key1", "key2", "key3", "keepMe"]);

我想过滤 myset 中的其他一些键(例如 mykeys)的另一个数组。

const mykeys = ["ignoreMe", "keepMe", "ignoreMeToo", "key2"];



const filtered = mykeys.filter(k => myset.has(k))


const filtered = mykeys.filter(myset.has)
// TypeError: Method Set.prototype.has called on incompatible receiver undefined

也就是说,为什么我必须在过滤器中创建匿名 lambda 函数? keys.has 具有相同的签名(参数 - 元素,返回 bool 值)。一位 friend 告诉我这与this有关。 工作时没有错误(尽管没有多大用处)。

我遇到了这个article at MDN我仍然不明白为什么“'myset'没有被捕获为这样”。我理解解决方法,但不知道“为什么”。任何人都可以用一些细节和引用以人性化的方式解释它吗?


@charlietfl 明白了。这是his comment ,我正在寻找的东西:

Because filter() has no implicit this where as set.has needs to have proper this context. Calling it inside anonymous function and manually adding argument makes the call self contained.


您可以使用Array#filterthisArg使用 set 和 has 的原型(prototype)作为回调。

此模式不需要绑定(bind) Set 的实例到原型(prototype),因为

If a thisArg parameter is provided to filter, it will be used as the callback's this value. Otherwise, the value undefined will be used as its this value. The this value ultimately observable by callback is determined according to the usual rules for determining the this seen by a function.

    myset = new Set(["key1", "key2", "key3", "keepMe"]),
    mykeys = ["ignoreMe", "keepMe", "ignoreMeToo", "key2"],
    filtered = mykeys.filter(Set.prototype.has, myset);


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