javascript - react JS : React Voice to Text Recognition

标签 javascript reactjs voice-recognition

我是 React JS 新手。我正在为输入框实现 React Voice to text 。我正在使用React Voice to Text我的工作插件。不知怎的,它对我不起作用。



import React, { PropTypes, Component } from 'react'
import SpeechRecognition from 'react-speech-recognition'

const propTypes = {
  // Props injected by SpeechRecognition
  transcript: PropTypes.string,
  resetTranscript: PropTypes.func,
  browserSupportsSpeechRecognition: PropTypes.bool

class Dictaphone extends Component {
  render() {
    const { transcript, resetTranscript, browserSupportsSpeechRecognition } = this.props

    if (!browserSupportsSpeechRecognition) {
      return null

    return (
        <button onClick={resetTranscript}>Reset</button>

Dictaphone.propTypes = propTypes

export default SpeechRecognition(Dictaphone)




react-speech-recognition 在 Chrome 上运行良好(因为它支持 Web Speech API)。我认为你没有正确使用它。

只需使用 create-react-app 创建新的 React 应用程序,并将 App.js 代码替换为以下代码。

import React, {Component } from 'react'
import SpeechRecognition from 'react-speech-recognition'

class Dictaphone extends Component {
  render() {
    const { transcript, resetTranscript, browserSupportsSpeechRecognition } = this.props

    if (!browserSupportsSpeechRecognition) {
      return null

    return (
        <button onClick={resetTranscript}>Reset</button>

export default SpeechRecognition(Dictaphone)

默认情况下,它开始直接监听。您可以通过提供 npm 文档中提到的选项来控制它。

const options = {
  autoStart: false

export default SpeechRecognition(options)(Dictaphone)

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