javascript - 在 Angular 6 中使用脚本 - recaptcha

标签 javascript angular typescript recaptcha

我正在尝试在我的项目中实现 recaptcha,但我不知道如何使用它。


public loadScript() {
let body = <HTMLDivElement>document.body;
let script = document.createElement('script');
script.innerHTML = '';
script.src = '';
script.async = true;
script.defer = true;

然后我在组件构造函数中调用此函数,它可以正常工作 - recaptcha 已正确呈现并可以正常工作,但如何从中获取后端的响应?

我尝试了 grecaptcha.getResponse() 但我得到 ReferenceError: "grecaptcha is not Define" - 有趣的并不总是如此。那么如何让 Typescript 知道 grecaptcha 是什么?


To Use Google reCAPTCHA v3 in Angular 4,5,6 follow the simple steps

Register For the public key on Google official Recaptcha website

现在在您的 Angular 项目中添加以下脚本文件index.html

    <script src=''></script>


<div class="form-group">
    <div id="captcha_element" class="g-recaptcha" 

现在使用以下代码更新您的Typescript 文件

declare var grecaptcha: any;

//declare Varible with public key given by Google
siteKeyCaptcha: string = "6LdF6xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxWVT";

//when we route back from the page we have to render captcha again
grecaptcha.render('capcha_element', {
  'sitekey': this.siteKeyCaptcha

To get a Response from Captcha on click add call back event as follows in HTML

<div class="form-group">
   <div id="capcha_element" class="g-recaptcha" 
   data-callback="getResponceCapcha" []="siteKeyCaptcha"></div>

ngOnInit() {
  // of code....
  window['getResponceCapcha'] = this.getResponceCapcha.bind(this);

getResponceCapcha(captchaResponse: string) {

verifyCaptcha(captchaResponse: string) {
  //you can do HTTP call from here

Click here for example and here for code

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