javascript - 将 RequireJS 与导出类一起使用时,函数结果未定义

标签 javascript typescript requirejs

我正在使用 Typescript、Require 和 AMD 模块。当我调用这个函数时,它返回未定义。如果我记录函数内的值,它们都会正确返回。

如果我不在导出的类中使用 require([,它将无法编译。

从 common.ts 文件导出类。

export class DateHelpers {
    CheckMaxDateRange(fromDate: string, toDate: string, numberOfDays: Number) {
        requirejs(["moment", "alertify"], function (moment, alertify) {
            var momToDate = moment(toDate, "MM/DD/YYYY");
            var momFromDate = moment(fromDate, "MM/DD/YYYY");

            var dateDiff = momToDate.diff(momFromDate, 'days');

            if (dateDiff < 0) {
                alertify.alert("From Date must be before To Date.");
                return false;

            else if (dateDiff > numberOfDays) {
                alertify.alert("Date range cannot be greater than " + numberOfDays + " days.");
                return false;

            else {
                return true;


import * as common from "../../Common/Common.js"
let dateHelpers = new common.CheckMaxDateRange();
dateHelpers.CheckMaxDateRange($('#StartDate').val(), $('#EndDate').val(), 365)



不要将 require 与 ES6 模块语法一起使用。您应该导入模块的依赖项,并配置编译器/ bundler 以支持加载外部脚本(如果您想使用 require.js 库,可以通过发出 AMD 语法模块)。


import * as moment from "moment";
import * as alertify from "alertify";

export function checkMaxDateRange(fromDate: string, toDate: string, numberOfDays: Number) {
    var momToDate = moment(toDate, "MM/DD/YYYY");
    var momFromDate = moment(fromDate, "MM/DD/YYYY");

    var dateDiff = momToDate.diff(momFromDate, 'days');

    if (dateDiff < 0) {
        alertify.alert("From Date must be before To Date.");
        return false;

    else if (dateDiff > numberOfDays) {
        alertify.alert("Date range cannot be greater than " + numberOfDays + " days.");
        return false;

    else {
        return true;

import * as common from "../../Common/Common.js";

common.checkMaxDateRange($('#StartDate').val(), $('#EndDate').val(), 365)

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