python - Redis channels -- 抓取key时的WRONGTYPE操作

标签 python django websocket redis django-channels

我正在使用 Channels Redis用于 websocket 操作。但是,我想确切地查看它在 redis 中保存的内容。这将如何完成?


>>> import redis
>>> r = redis.Redis()
>>> r.keys()
['asgi::group:chat_hello', 'asgi::group:chat_lobby', 'asgi::group:chat_hi', 'iTunes+1068285837']
>>> r.get('asgi::group:chat_hello')
redis.exceptions.ResponseError: WRONGTYPE Operation against a key holding the wrong kind of value


首先,检查有问题的 key 的类型:

>>> r.type('asgi::group:chat_hello')

它是 zet 类型,或 sorted set在redis中。要查看已排序集合的内容,您可以执行以下操作:

# r.zrange(key, 0, -1) --  0, 1 specifies the starting and ending index, 
                       --  where 0 is the start and -1 is the end
>>> r.zrange('asgi::group:chat_newplace', 0, -1)

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