javascript - 为什么这个 javascript 函数返回 undefined ?

标签 javascript reactjs function ecmascript-6

let getLowerUpperBoundFromValue=(bound , idToValue)=>{
        // Returns the value of the variable previously generated if "value" is a variable name  or return "value" if its a number . 
        // bound :  can be a direct integer or a variable name. 
        // idToValue : contains the id to value mapping which must contain a variable whose name must be equal to 'bound' parameter if its a variable name . 

                let id= idStatePair[0] , varState = idStatePair[1] ; 
                    console.log("check now Returning idTovalue[id]" , idToValue , id , idToValue[id] , Number(idToValue[id]));
                    return Number(idToValue[id]) ; 
        else return Number(bound); 


console.log('check now: ' , getLowerUpperBoundFromValue(varState.lowerbound , idToValue)) ; 


check now Returning idTovalue[id] {PSfCL5hBm: 69} PSfCL5hBm 69 69
inputGeneration.js:99 check now:  undefined

为什么即使 Number(idTovalue[id]) 的值为正常值 69 ,该函数仍返回 undefined ?


没有返回任何内容,因为 forEach 回调是一个单独的方法。我删除了对 .forEach 的调用,并将其替换为 for of 循环,该循环维护 return

let getLowerUpperBoundFromValue=(bound , idToValue)=>{
        // Returns the value of the variable previously generated if "value" is a variable name  or return "value" if its a number . 
        // bound :  can be a direct integer or a variable name. 
        // idToValue : contains the id to value mapping which must contain a variable whose name must be equal to 'bound' parameter if its a variable name . 

            for (let idStatePair of Object.entries(idToVarStatesGlobal)) {
                let id= idStatePair[0] , varState = idStatePair[1] ; 
                    console.log("check now Returning idTovalue[id]" , idToValue , id , idToValue[id] , Number(idToValue[id]));
                    return Number(idToValue[id]) ; 
        else return Number(bound); 

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