javascript - Promise 的返回值不稳定

标签 javascript promise async-await fs

我仍在尝试理解 JS 中的同步性。以下脚本可以记录不同的值。如何确保它记录稳定的值?感谢任何帮助。

// variable "all" is the array which holds the file path as string
all.forEach(async(f) => {
    promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        fs.readFile(f, 'utf8', function (err, content) {
            if (!err) {
                scenario += (content.match(/Scenario(\s?)\(\'/g) || []).length;
                uc += (content.match(/\/\/(\s?)UC-(.)+/g) || []).length;
                resolve([scenario, uc]);
            } else {
    await promise;

promise.then(([scenario, uc]) => {
    console.log('Total Scenarios: ' + scenario);
    console.log('Total UCs: ' + uc);


引用@Yftach 和@Manjeet Thakur 的回复。


let promises = => {
        return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
            fs.readFile(f, 'utf8', function (err, content) {
                if (!err) {
                    scenario += (content.match(/Scenario(\s?)\(\'/g) || []).length;
                    uc += (content.match(/\/\/(\s?)UC-(.)+/g) || []).length;
                    resolve([scenario, uc]);
                } else {

    Promise.all(promises).then((result) => {
        let max = result.reduce((acc, curr) => {
            return [Math.max(acc[0],curr[0]), Math.max(acc[1],curr[1])];

        console.log('Total Scenarios: ' + max[0]);
        console.log('Total UCs: ' + max[1]);


你的代码将无法工作,因为你只等待一个 promise , 你应该做的是使用 Promise.all(arrayOfPromises),该方法将返回一个新的 Promise,该新的 Promise 仅在数组中的所有 Promise 完成后运行。

let allPromises = => {
    promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        fs.readFile(f, 'utf8', function (err, content) {
            if (!err) {
                scenario += (content.match(/Scenario(\s?)\(\'/g) || []).length;
                uc += (content.match(/\/\/(\s?)UC-(.)+/g) || []).length;
                resolve({scenario:scenario, uc:uc});
            } else {
    return promise;

Promise.all(allPromises).then((values) => {
    // Sum all the scenarios and UCS, becase the values is an array of objects representing answers from each promise, we must sum them ourselves
    console.log('Total Scenarios: ' + values.reduce((accumulated, current) => accumulated + current.scenario, 0);
    console.log('Total UCs: ' + values.reduce((accumulated, current) => accumulated + current.uc, 0););

注意:如果内部 promise 之一拒绝,“所有” promise 将被拒绝,因此,如果您想忽略这种情况并对其余 promise 求和,则需要使用“空”来解决 promise "值,然后在最后的 then 中进行求和。

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