javascript - 当我的 javascript 呈现时,为什么我的 <br/> 标记显示为 [object Object]?

标签 javascript html reactjs

我需要在句子之间添加中断标签,但是当我这样做时,我会得到 [object Object] 来代替换行符。有人可以告诉我如何解决这个问题吗?

const openingText = 'We\'re happy to hear your project is underway. '
 + <br /> +   'You can review this business to tell others about your experience.';


enter image description here


enter image description here


const openingText = (
      We're happy to hear your project is underway.
      <br /><br />
      You can review this business to tell others about your experience.

enter image description here

当我在引号内添加 br 标签时,它只是认为它是常规文本:

const openingText = 'We\'re happy to hear your project is underway. <br /><br />' + 
  'You can review this business to tell others about your experience.';

enter image description here



var tmp = {}
console.log('This is an object: ' + tmp)

你想要用 React 做的是:

const openingText = (
        We're happy to hear your project is underway.
        <br />
        You can review this business to tell others about your experience.

如果使用该语法时出现错误,则您可能使用的是旧版本的 React 或使用不支持 React Fragment short syntax 的工具。 ,在这种情况下您应该能够执行以下操作:

const openingText = (
        We're happy to hear your project is underway.
        <br />
        You can review this business to tell others about your experience.

关于javascript - 当我的 javascript 呈现时,为什么我的 <br/> 标记显示为 [object Object]?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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