javascript - 如何创建一个输出 'x' 个类的各种实例的函数?

标签 javascript

我正在创建一个带有扭曲的经典内存游戏。我有一个卡牌原型(prototype),还有好卡牌和坏卡牌的实例。我想创建一个函数来处理每张卡的指定数量。例如,我想发 16 张牌:4x 弹药、4x 啤酒、2x 雪茄、2x 蛇、2x 敌人、2x 蝎子。


 <section class="memory-game">


      class Card {
        constructor(name, image, health, ammo) {
 = name
          this.image = image
 = health
          this.ammo = ammo

      // Good Cards
      const ammo = new Card('ammunition', null, 1, null),
            beer = new Card('beer', null, 1, null),
            cigar = new Card('cigar', null, 1, null)

      // Bad Cards
      const enemigo = new Card('enemigo', null, -1, null),
            bandito = new Card('bandito', null, null, -1),
            snake = new Card('snake', null, -1, null),
            scorpion = new Card('scorpion', null, -1, null)

      function dealCards() {


预期结果是发出 16 张牌,每张牌均取自牌牌原型(prototype)并具有自己的属性。




// good cards
const ammoCards = [...Array(4)].map(i => new Card('ammunition', null, 1, null));
const beerCards = [...Array(4)].map(i => new Card('beer', null, 1, null));
// all other good cards
const goodCards = [...ammoCards, ...beerCards];

// repeat for bad cards

// and then

const allCards = [...goodCards, ...badCards];

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