javascript - Bot 框架 (v4) - 如何从自定义提示验证中获取状态

标签 javascript node.js typescript botframework



问题是,为了能够获取状态,您需要将 StatePropertyAccessor 作为参数传递,就像通常对对话框所做的那样,但是当您扩展提示时,您不能执行相同的操作。

如何通过此代码获取我的状态? 请参阅 onRecognize() 的评论。

class AddressTextPrompt extends TextPrompt {
  private userProfile: StatePropertyAccessor<State>;
  public defaultLocale: string | undefined;

  constructor(dialogId: string, validator?: PromptValidator<string>, defaultLocale?: string) {
    super(dialogId, validator);
    this.defaultLocale = defaultLocale;

  protected async onPrompt(context: TurnContext, state: any, options: PromptOptions, isRetry: boolean): Promise<void> {
    if (isRetry && options.retryPrompt) {
      await context.sendActivity(options.retryPrompt, null, InputHints.ExpectingInput);
    } else if (options.prompt) {
      await context.sendActivity(options.prompt, null, InputHints.ExpectingInput);

  protected async onRecognize(context: TurnContext, state: any, options: PromptOptions): Promise<PromptRecognizerResult<string>> {
    const result: PromptRecognizerResult<string> = { succeeded: false };
    const activity: Activity = context.activity;

    // I can't access my state here and there's no way to pass StatePropertyAccessor through contructor
    const userState: State = await this.userProfile.get(context);

    result.succeeded = (userState.user.address === activity.text)

    return result;

export { AddressTextPrompt };


this.addDialog(new AddressTextPrompt(ADDRESS_TEXT_PROMPT));


  const messageText = `Some text ${hideStringPartially(userDetails.address)}`;
  const msg = MessageFactory.text(messageText, messageText, InputHints.ExpectingInput);
  return await step.prompt(ADDRESS_TEXT_PROMPT, { prompt: msg, retryPrompt: `Some text. ${messageText}` });


如果 AddressTextPrompt 扩展 TextPrompt 的唯一原因是为了进行验证,那么您实际上应该将验证器传递给 TextPrompt >.

Multi-Turn-Prompt Sample ,

...它passes in the validator :

this.addDialog(new NumberPrompt(NUMBER_PROMPT, this.agePromptValidator));

...然后 performs the validation :

async agePromptValidator(promptContext) {
    // This condition is our validation rule. You can also change the value at this point.
    return promptContext.recognized.succeeded && promptContext.recognized.value > 0 && promptContext.recognized.value < 150;

如果验证器返回false,则触发retryPrompt。否则,activity.Text 将像平常一样传递到下一步。对于您来说,验证器可能看起来像:

async addressValidator(promptContext) {
    const userState: State = await this.userProfile.get(context);
    // This condition is our validation rule. You can also change the value at this point.
    return promptContext.recognized.succeeded && promptContext.recognized.value === userState.user.address;

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