javascript - 如何按名称和列关联对象

标签 javascript arrays javascript-objects


 let arrayQualityRated = [{
     name: "Jande",
     col: 4
 }, {
     name: "Good",
     col: 4
 }, {
     name: "Good",
     col: 4
 }, {
     name: "Bad",
     col: 4
 }, {
     name: "Elmo",
     col: 2
 }, {
     name: "Bad",
     col: 2
 }, {
     name: "Tiago",
     col: 3
 }, {
     name: "Bad",
     col: 3

我想做一些类似基于 namecol 键的过滤器。


let persons = ["Jande", "Elmo", "Tiago"]

我希望我已经澄清了我的疑问。我期待您的耐心和帮助! :)


        name: "Jande",
        col: 4
        name: "Good",
        col: 4
        name: "Bad",
        col: 4
        name: "Good",
        col: 4


        name: "Elmo",
        col: 2
        name: "Bad",
        col: 2


        name: "Tiago",
        col: 3
        name: "Bad",
        col: 3


简单地说,我想要一个基于字符串“person name”(基于数组“persons”)和“col”的单独对象数组。


我认为这不是一个简单的过滤器,因为结果预计在三个不同的数组中。我会使用 ma​​p() 然后使用 filter(),因为 col 值是动态的(在识别此人之前无法辨别)按名称)。

看看生成的数组 - 它具有您要求的结构。

let arrayQualityRated = [{
  name: "Jande",
  col: 4
}, {
  name: "Good",
  col: 4
}, {
  name: "Good",
  col: 4
}, {
  name: "Bad",
  col: 4
}, {
  name: "Elmo",
  col: 2
}, {
  name: "Bad",
  col: 2
}, {
  name: "Tiago",
  col: 3
}, {
  name: "Bad",
  col: 3

let persons = ["Jande", "Elmo", "Tiago"]

const classifyArrayItems = (persons, arrayQualityRated) => {
  // mapping the array, so it has all the persons
  return => {
    // first find the col number corresponding to the
    // person in the array
    const col = arrayQualityRated.find(e => === person).col
    // return all the objects that have the same
    // col value
    return arrayQualityRated.filter(e => e.col === col)

console.log(classifyArrayItems(persons, arrayQualityRated))

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