javascript - 如何: Onclick buttons and text area scripts

标签 javascript jquery html css



好的,还有一些。我正在本地 html 文件中创建一个文本/HTML 编辑器,我可以与我的团队共享该编辑器,这对于像我们这样的内容编辑器非常有用,以便我们可以从头开始构建 XML 标签(我将替换其中的 HTML 标签)一旦我拥有了所需的所有资源和代码,我将在一段时间内展示)。


enter image description here


1) 当我单击



我在某处读到下面的框是一个文本区域,不允许使用粗体、斜体和下划线等格式,但是,有没有办法用一些 HTML、CSS 和 JS 来做到这一点? (因为这是我唯一能理解的语言,尽管我是个新手。)




3)我相信有一个特定的enter like <br/> in HTMLspace like (&nbsp;) in HTML对于 JavaScript?如果我的猜测是正确的,是不是类似 \n

4) 最后,现在我是否需要将所有不同的脚本合并到一个 <script></script> 中标签还是可以根据它们的功能将它们分开?



<center><title>EDEN Editor</title></center>
<div align="center">
<h1>EDEN Editor</h1>
.button {
  padding: 10px 20px;
  font-size: 15px;
  text-align: center;
  cursor: pointer;
  outline: none;
  color: #fff;
  background-color: #e5e59b;
  border: none;
  border-radius: 15px;
.button:hover {background-color: #f5f5d8}

.button:active {
  background-color: #e5e59b;
  transform: translateY(1px);
<script language="JavaScript">

helpstat = false;
stprompt = false;
basic = true;

function thelp(swtch){
        if (swtch == 1){
                basic = false;
                stprompt = false;
                helpstat = true;
        else if (swtch == 0) {
                helpstat = false;
                stprompt = false;
                basic = true;
        else if (swtch == 2) {
                helpstat = false;
                basic = false;
                stprompt = true;

function treset(){
        if (helpstat){
                alert("Clears the current editor.");
        else {
        clear = prompt("Are you sure? (y/n)",'');
        clear = clear.toLowerCase();
        if(clear == 'y') {
                document.editor.value = "";

function start(){
        if (helpstat){
                alert("Elements that appear at the beginning of the document, including TITLE.");
        else if (basic) {
        document.editor.area.value = document.editor.area.value + "<html>\n<head>\n<title></title>\n</head>\n<body>\n";
        else if (stprompt) {
                        twrite = prompt("Title?",'');
                        if (twrite != "" && twrite != null){
                        else {
                                prompt("You must enter a title.",'Ok, sorry.');
                document.editor.area.value = document.editor.area.value + "<html>\n<head>\n<title>" + twrite + "</title>\n</head>\n<body ";

                twrite = prompt("Background color? (blank if none)",'');        
                if (twrite != "" && twrite != null){
                        twrite = '"' + twrite + '"';
                        document.editor.area.value = document.editor.area.value + "bgcolor=" + twrite + " ";

                twrite = prompt("Background image? (blank if none)",'');                
                if (twrite != "" && twrite != null){
                        twrite = '"' + twrite + '"';
                        document.editor.area.value = document.editor.area.value + "background=" + twrite + " ";

                twrite = prompt("Text color? (blank if none)",'');
                if (twrite != "" && twrite != null){
                        twrite = '"' + twrite + '"';
                        document.editor.area.value = document.editor.area.value + "text=" + twrite + " ";

                twrite = prompt("Link color? (blank if none)",'');              
                if (twrite != "" && twrite != null){
                        twrite = '"' + twrite + '"';
                        document.editor.area.value = document.editor.area.value + "link=" + twrite + " ";

                twrite = prompt("Visited link color? (blank if none)",'');              
                if (twrite != "" && twrite != null){
                        twrite = '"' + twrite + '"';            
                        document.editor.area.value = document.editor.area.value + "vlink=" + twrite + " ";

                document.editor.area.value = document.editor.area.value + ">\n";

function end(){
        if (helpstat){
                alert("Adds the the final elements to a document.");
        else {
        document.editor.area.value = document.editor.area.value + "\n</body>\n</html>\n";  

function preview(){
        if (helpstat) {
                alert("Preview/save the document.");
        else {
                temp = document.editor.area.value;
                preWindow= open("", "preWindow","status=no,toolbar=n,menubar=y");

function bold() {
        if (helpstat) {
                alert("Bold text.");
        else if (basic) {
                document.editor.area.value = document.editor.area.value + "<b></b>";
        else if (stprompt) {
                twrite = prompt("Text?",'');
                if (twrite != null && twrite != ""){
                document.editor.area.value = document.editor.area.value + "<b>" + twrite + "</b>";

function italic() {
        if (helpstat) {
                alert("Italicizes text.");
        else if (basic) {
                document.editor.area.value = document.editor.area.value + "<i></i>";
        else if (stprompt) {
                twrite = prompt("Text?",'');
                if (twrite != null && twrite != ""){
                document.editor.area.value = document.editor.area.value + "<i>" + twrite + "</i>";

function underline(){
        if (helpstat) {
                alert("Underlines text.");
        else if (basic) {
                document.editor.area.value = document.editor.area.value + "<u></u>";
        else if (stprompt) {
                twrite = prompt("Text?",'');
                if (twrite != null && twrite != ""){
                document.editor.area.value = document.editor.area.value + "<u>" + twrite + "</u>";

function pre(){
        if (helpstat) {
                alert("Sets text as preformatted.");
        else if (basic) {
                document.editor.area.value = document.editor.area.value + "<pre></pre>";
        else if (stprompt) {
                twrite = prompt("Text?",'');
                if (twrite != null && twrite != ""){
                document.editor.area.value = document.editor.area.value + "<pre>" + twrite + "</pre>";

function center(){
        if (helpstat) {
                alert("Centers text.");
        else if (basic) {
                document.editor.area.value = document.editor.area.value + "<StatCode Law Text>\n\n\n\n</Statcode> Random123\n";
        else if (stprompt) {
                twrite = prompt("Text?",'');
                if (twrite != null && twrite != ""){
                document.editor.area.value = document.editor.area.value + "<center>" + twrite + "</center>";

function hbar(){
        if (helpstat) {
                alert("Creates a horizontal bar.");
        else {
                document.editor.area.value = document.editor.area.value + "<hr>\n";

function lbreak(){
        if (helpstat) {
                alert("Makes a new line, the equivalent of return or enter.");
        else {
                document.editor.area.value = document.editor.area.value + "<br />\n";

function pbreak(){
        if (helpstat) {
                alert("Makes two new lines, the equivalent of two returns or enters.");
        else {
                document.editor.area.value = document.editor.area.value + "<p>\n";

function image(){
        if (helpstat) {
                alert("Inserts an image.");
        else if (basic) {
                document.editor.area.value = document.editor.area.value + '<img src=""></img>\n';
        else if (stprompt) {
                twrite = prompt("Image location?",'');
                if (twrite != null && twrite != ""){
                twrite = '"' + twrite + '"';
                document.editor.area.value = document.editor.area.value + '<img src=' + twrite + '>\n';

function aleft(){
        if (helpstat) {
                alert("Inserts an image with align left.");
        else if (basic) {
                document.editor.area.value = document.editor.area.value + '<img src="" align=left></img>\n';
        else if (stprompt){
                twrite = prompt("Image location?",'');
                if (twrite != null && twrite != ""){
                twrite = '"' + twrite + '"';
                document.editor.area.value = document.editor.area.value + '<img src=' + twrite + ' align=left>\n';

function aright(){
        if (helpstat) {
                alert("Inserts an image with align right.");
        else if (basic) {
                document.editor.area.value = document.editor.area.value + '<img src="" align=right></img>\n';
        else if (stprompt) {
                twrite = prompt("Image location?",'');
                if (twrite != null && twrite != ""){
                twrite = '"' + twrite + '"';
                document.editor.area.value = document.editor.area.value + '<img src=' + twrite + ' align=right></img>\n';

function atop(){
        if (helpstat) {
                alert("Inserts an image with align top.");
        else if (basic) {
                document.editor.area.value = document.editor.area.value + 'how to add tables in sites\n';
        else if (stprompt) {
                twrite = prompt("Image location?",'');
                if (twrite != null && twrite != ""){
                twrite = '"' + twrite + '"';
                document.editor.area.value = document.editor.area.value + '<img src=' + twrite + ' align=top></img>\n';

function amid(){
        if (helpstat) {
                alert("Inserts an image with align middle.");
        else if (basic) {
                document.editor.area.value = document.editor.area.value + '<img src="" align=middle></img>\n';
        else if (stprompt) {
                twrite = prompt("Image location?",'');
                if (twrite != null && twrite != ""){
                twrite = '"' + twrite + '"';
                document.editor.area.value = document.editor.area.value + '<img src=' + twrite + ' align=middle></img>\n';

function abottom(){
        if (helpstat) {
                alert("Inserts an image with align bottom.");
        else if (basic) {
                document.editor.area.value = document.editor.area.value + '<img src="" align=bottom></img>\n';
        else if (stprompt) {
                twrite = prompt("Image location?",'');
                if (twrite != null && twrite != ""){
                twrite = '"' + twrite + '"';
                document.editor.area.value = document.editor.area.value + '<img src=' + twrite + ' align=bottom></img>\n';

function head1(){
        if (helpstat) {
                alert("Creates a header, size 1 (largest size).");
        else if (basic) {
                document.editor.area.value = document.editor.area.value + "<h1></h1>\n";
        else if (stprompt) {
                twrite = prompt("Text?",'');
                if (twrite != null && twrite != ""){
                document.editor.area.value = document.editor.area.value + "<h1>" + twrite + "</h1>\n";

function head2(){
        if (helpstat) {
                alert("Creates a header, size 2 (slightly smaller than 1).");
        else if (basic) {
                document.editor.area.value = document.editor.area.value + "<h2></h2>\n";
        else if (stprompt) {
                twrite = prompt("Text?",'');
                if (twrite != null && twrite != ""){
                document.editor.area.value = document.editor.area.value + "<h2>" + twrite + "</h2>\n";

function head3(){
        if (helpstat) {
                alert("Creates a header, size 3 (slightly smaller than 2).");
        else if (basic) {
                document.editor.area.value = document.editor.area.value + "<h3></h3>\n";
        else if (stprompt) {
                twrite = prompt("Text?",'');
                if (twrite != null && twrite != ""){
                document.editor.area.value = document.editor.area.value + "<h3>" + twrite + "</h3>\n";

function head4(){
        if (helpstat) {
                alert("Creates a header, size 4 (slightly smaller than 3).");
        else if (basic) {
                document.editor.area.value = document.editor.area.value + "<h4></h4>\n";
        else if (stprompt) {
                twrite = prompt("Text?",'');
                if (twrite != null && twrite != ""){
                document.editor.area.value = document.editor.area.value + "<h4>" + twrite + "</h4>\n";

function head5(){
        if (helpstat) {
                alert("Creates a header, size 5 (slightly smaller than 4).");
        else if (basic) {
                document.editor.area.value = document.editor.area.value + "<h5></h5>\n";
        else if (stprompt) {
                twrite = prompt("Text?",'');
                if (twrite != null && twrite != ""){
                document.editor.area.value = document.editor.area.value + "<h5>" + twrite + "</h5>\n";

function head6(){
        if (helpstat) {
                alert("Creates a header, size 6 (smallest size).");
        else if (basic) {
                document.editor.area.value = document.editor.area.value + "<h6></h6>\n";
        else if (stprompt) {
                twrite = prompt("Text?",'');
                if (twrite != null && twrite != ""){
                document.editor.area.value = document.editor.area.value + "<h6>" + twrite + "</h6>\n";

function linkopen(){
        if (helpstat) {
                alert("Begins a link.");
        else if (basic) {
                document.editor.area.value = document.editor.area.value + '<a href=""></a>';
        else if (stprompt) {
                twrite = prompt("File location?",'');
                if (twrite != null && twrite != ""){
                twrite = '"' + twrite + '"';
                document.editor.area.value = document.editor.area.value + '<a href=' + twrite + '>';
                        twrite = prompt("Text?",'');
                        if (twrite != "" && twrite != null){
                        else {
                                prompt("You must enter the link text.",'Ok, sorry.');
                document.editor.area.value = document.editor.area.value + twrite + '</a>\n';

function linktext(){
        if (helpstat) {
                alert("Inserts the text for a link.");
        else if (basic) {
                        twrite = prompt("Text?",'');
                        if (twrite != "" && twrite != null){
                        else {
                                prompt("You must enter the link text.",'Ok, sorry.');
                document.editor.area.value = document.editor.area.value + twrite + '\n';
        else if (stprompt) {
                alert("Not used in prompt mode.");

function linkclose(){
        if (helpstat) {
                alert("Closes a link.");
        else if (basic) {
                document.editor.area.value = document.editor.area.value + "</a>\n";
        else if (stprompt) {
                alert("Not used in prompt mode.");

function anchor(){
        if (helpstat) {
                alert("Sets an anchor (e.g. #here).");
        else if (basic) {
                document.editor.area.value = document.editor.area.value + '<a name=""></a>\n';
        else if (stprompt) {
                twrite = prompt("Anchor name?",'');
                if (twrite != null && twrite != ""){
                twrite = '"' + twrite + '"';
                document.editor.area.value = document.editor.area.value + '<a name=' + twrite + '>\n';

function orderopen(){
        if (helpstat) {
                alert("Starts an ordered list.");
        else if (basic) {
                document.editor.area.value = document.editor.area.value + "<ol></ol>\n";
        else if (stprompt) {
                        twrite = prompt("Item " + i + "? (Blank entry stops.)",'');
                        if (twrite == "" || twrite == null){
                        if (i == 1){
                                document.editor.area.value = document.editor.area.value + "<ol>\n";
                                okeydokey = 1;
                        document.editor.area.value = document.editor.area.value + "<li>" + twrite + "\n";
                if (okeydokey) {
                document.editor.area.value = document.editor.area.value + "</ol>\n";

function li(){
        if (helpstat) {
                alert("Creates an item in a list.");
        else if (basic) {
                document.editor.area.value = document.editor.area.value + "<li>";
        else if (stprompt) {
                alert("Not used in prompt mode.");

function orderclose(){
        if (helpstat) {
                alert("Closes an ordered list.");
        else if (basic) {
                document.editor.area.value = document.editor.area.value + "</ol>\n";
        else if (stprompt) {
                alert("Not used in prompt mode.");

function unorderopen(){
        if (helpstat) {
                alert("Starts an unordered list.");
        else if (basic) {
                document.editor.area.value = document.editor.area.value + "<ul></ul>";
        else if (stprompt) {
                        twrite = prompt("Item " + i + "? (Blank entry stops.)",'');
                        if (twrite == "" || twrite == null){
                        if (i == 1){
                                document.editor.area.value = document.editor.area.value + "<ul>\n";
                                okeydokey = 1;
                        document.editor.area.value = document.editor.area.value + "<li>" + twrite + "\n";
                if (okeydokey) {
                document.editor.area.value = document.editor.area.value + "</ul>\n";

function unorderclose(){
        if (helpstat) {
                alert("Closes an unordered list.");
        else if (basic) {
                document.editor.area.value = document.editor.area.value + "</ul>\n";
        else if (stprompt) {
                alert("Not used in prompt mode.");

function defopen(){
        if (helpstat) {
                alert("Starts a definition list.");
        else if (basic) {
                document.editor.area.value = document.editor.area.value + "<dl>";
        else if (stprompt) {
                        twrite = prompt("Term " + i + "? (Blank entry stops.)",'');
                        if (twrite == "" || twrite == null){
                        if (i == 1) {
                                document.editor.area.value = document.editor.area.value + "<dl>\n";
                                okeydokey = 1;
                        document.editor.area.value = document.editor.area.value + "<dt>" + twrite + "</dt>\n";
                        twrite = prompt("Definition" + i + "? (Blank entry stops.)",'');
                        if (twrite == "" || twrite == null){
                        document.editor.area.value = document.editor.area.value + "<dd>" + twrite + "<dd>\n";
                if (okeydokey){
                document.editor.area.value = document.editor.area.value + "</dl>\n";

function defterm(){
        if (helpstat) {
                alert("Creates the term in a definition.");
        else if (basic) {
                document.editor.area.value = document.editor.area.value + "<dt>";
        else if (stprompt) {
                alert("Not used in prompt mode.");

function define(){
        if (helpstat) {
                alert("Creates the definition.");
        else if (basic) {
                document.editor.area.value = document.editor.area.value + "<dd>";
        else if (stprompt) {
                alert("Not used in prompt mode.");

function defclose(){    
        if (helpstat) {
                alert("Closes a defeinition list.");
        else if (basic) {
                document.editor.area.value = document.editor.area.value + "</dt>";
        else if (stprompt) {
                alert("Not used in prompt mode.");

function font(){
        if (helpstat) {
                alert("Sets the font.");
        else if (basic) {
                document.editor.area.value = document.editor.area.value + '';
        else if (stprompt) {
                twrite = prompt("Font?",'');
                if (twrite != null && twrite != "") {
                twrite = '"' + twrite + '"';
                document.editor.area.value = document.editor.area.value + '';

function fontcolor(){
        if (helpstat) {
                alert("Sets the font color.");
        else if (basic) {
                document.editor.area.value = document.editor.area.value + '';
        else if (stprompt) {
                twrite = prompt("Color? (hex or name)",'');
                if (twrite != null && twrite != "") {
                twrite = '"' + twrite + '"';
                document.editor.area.value = document.editor.area.value + '';

function formtr(){
        if (helpstat) {
                alert("Creates a table row.");
        else if (basic) {
                document.editor.area.value = document.editor.area.value + "<tr></tr>";
        else if (stprompt) {
                alert("Not used in prompt mode.");
function formtd(){
        if (helpstat) {
                alert("Creates a standard table cell.");
        else if (basic) {
                document.editor.area.value = document.editor.area.value + "<td></td>";
        else if (stprompt) {
                alert("Not used in prompt mode.");

<form name="editor">
<table border=1>
<td align=center>
<b>Choose Mode:</b><br>
<input type="radio" name="mode" value="help"onClick="thelp(1)">Guide
<input type="radio" name="mode" value="prompt" onClick="thelp(2)">Prompt
<input type="radio" name="mode" value="basic" checked onClick="thelp(0)">Write
<table border=1>
<td align=center>
<input type="button" value="Preview" onClick="preview()">
<input type="button" value=" Start " onClick="start()">
<input type="button" value="  End  " onClick="end()">
<input type="button" value="<img>" onClick="image()">
<input type="button" value="<L>"onClick="aleft()">
<input type="button" value="<R>" onClick="aright()">
<input type="button" value="<T>" onClick="atop()">
<input type="button" value="<M>" onClick="amid()">
<input type="button" value="<B>" onClick="abottom()">
<input type="button" value="Reset" onClick="treset()">
<input type="button" value="B" onClick="bold()">
<input type="button" value="I" onClick="italic()">
<input type="button" value="U" onClick="underline()">
<input type="button" value="C" onClick="center()">
<input type="button" value="<p>" onClick="pbreak()">
<input type="button" value="<br>" onClick="lbreak()">
<input type="button" value="<hr>" onClick="hbar()">
<input type="button" value="<pre>" onClick="pre()">
<input type="button" value="h1" onClick="head1()">
<input type="button" value="h2" onClick="head2()">
<input type="button" value="h3" onClick="head3()">
<input type="button" value="h4" onClick="head4()">
<input type="button" value="h5" onClick="head5()">
<input type="button" value="h6" onClick="head6()">
<textarea name="area" rows=50 cols=71 wrap=physical>





1) 如果您要使用<textarea> ,您可以使用 selectionStart 来解决它 但是,如果您打算在不同的标签中使用设置为 true 的 contenteditable,我建议您查看此 gist (适用于 <textarea> 和可编辑元素)。

2) 您可以使用 contenteditable 来解决它属性。所以你不必使用<textarea>元素,但是一个<div> ,例如。

<div contenteditable="true">editable text</div>


3) 是的,为了创建新行,您可以使用 \n附加文本时。当允许格式化时,<br>应该在附加 HTML 格式时进行设置。

4) 虽然合并 JavaScript 文件可以提高性能,但也可能会导致不必要的困惑代码。所以这是一个组织问题。为此,有一些工具,例如 webpackgulp ,根据您选择的配置自动为您完成这项工作。因此,例如,您的脚本只能合并到最后阶段,而在开发环境中它会继续您编写的方式,以便您可以正常工作。

关于javascript - 如何: Onclick buttons and text area scripts,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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javascript - 表单提交后重定向

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php - 激活时设置背景颜色

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javascript - jQuery 缩放效果,缩放 1.1 并在背景位置更改时返回 1

jQuery Html 操作问题