Javascript:如何通过按钮将事件添加到 Outlook 日历

标签 javascript sharepoint outlook

我目前编写了一个可用的 vbscript 实现:

<script language="VBScript">
    sub MakeAppointment(MySubject, MyLocation, MyStart, MyEnd, MyMessage)
    Dim objOutlook
    Dim itmCalendar
    Set objOutlook = CreateObject("Outlook.application")
    Set itmCalendar = objOutlook.CreateItem(1)

    itmCalendar.Subject = MySubject
    itmCalendar.Location = MyLocation
    itmCalendar.Start = MyStart
    itmCalendar.End = MyEnd
    itmCalendar.Body = MyMessage


    Msgbox "Appointment has been added to your Outlook Calendar!", 0, MyStart

    Set itmCalendar = Nothing
    Set objOutlook = Nothing
    end sub
<script language="VBScript">
    Sub btnAdd_onclick()
    MySubject="All your base are belong to us" 
    MyStart="05/19/2011 07:00"
    MyEnd="05/19/2011 08:00"
    MyMessage = "This is a English review course." & vbcrlf
    MyMessage = MyMessage & "" & vbcrlf
    MyMessage = MyMessage & "" & vbcrlf
    MyMessage = MyMessage & "" & vbcrlf
    MakeAppointment MySubject, MyLocation, MyStart, MyEnd, MyMessage
    End Sub

我需要一些关于如何为 Javascript 重写此内容的帮助,因为我正在编写的另一个 SharePoint 网站正在使用 Javascript 作为其默认验证脚本语言。有可能吗?有任何可能的资源链接来完成此任务吗?


接受的答案对我没有帮助。因此,我将发布截至 2015 年 12 月我认为有用的内容。


dtstart (yyyymmddThhmmss)

Required. Specifies the event's start date and time. For example, 20110101T120000 represents January 1, 2011, at noon. Note that the portion specifying the event time (T120000) is optional.

dtend (yyyymmddThhmmss)

Required. Specifies the event's end date and time. For example, 20110101T120000 represents January 1, 2011, at noon. Note that the portion specifying the event time (T120000) is optional.


Optional. Specifies the event's title.


Optional. Specifies the event’s location text.

<a href=" Planning&location=BigCoHQ">Add to Outlook</a>


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