javascript - Sencha 触摸列表分页

标签 javascript rest sencha-touch jersey

我需要使用 REST Web 服务为我的应用程序实现列表分页。



Ext.define('bluebutton.view.BlueButton.TestingList', {
    extend: 'Ext.List',
    xtype: 'testinglistcard',
    requires: [

    config: {

        styleHtmlContent: true,
        scrollable: 'vertical',
        indexBar: true,
        singleSelect: true,
        onItemDisclosure: true,
        grouped: true,
        variableHeights : false,
          store : { xclass : ''},
            itemHeight :100,

        id :'testinglist',

        emptyText: '<p class="no-search-results">No member record found matching that search</p>',
        itemTpl: Ext.create(
            '<div class="tweet-wrapper">',

                        '   <div class="tweet">',
                        '       <h3>{invoiceId}</h3>',
                        '      <h3>Name: {billNumber}</h3>',
                        '       <h3>Point Avalaible : {invoiceDate} , Last Visited : {invoiceAmount}</h3>',

                        '   </div>',



    Ext.define('', {
    extend: "",
    requires: ['bluebutton.model.BlueButton.Testing'],
    config: {

      grouper: {
            groupFn: function (record) {
                return record.get('invoiceId')[0];
         model :'bluebutton.model.BlueButton.Testing',
      storeId :'testingstore',
        autoLoad: true,
          pageSize: 5,
            clearOnPageLoad: false, 


    Ext.define('bluebutton.model.BlueButton.Testing', {
    extend: '',
    config: {

        idProperty: 'testingModel',
        fields: [
            {  name :'invoiceId'},
            {  name: 'billNumber' },
            {  name: 'invoiceDate' },
            {  name: 'invoiceAmount' },
            {  name :'downloadLink'},


        proxy: {
            type: 'rest',
           url: 'http://localhost:8080/RESTFulExample/rest/json/metallica/invoicejsonPost',
            reader: 'json',
            actionMethods: {
                create: 'POST',
                read: 'POST',
                update: 'PUT',
                destroy: 'DELETE'

                      noCache: false, // get rid of the '_dc' url parameter

//                    extraParams: {
//                    userid: "test",
//                    // add as many as you need
//                },

            reader: {
                type: 'json',
                rootProperty: 'invoice'

            writer: {
                type: 'json',


     @Produces({ MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON })
     public Response getInvoicesForCustomerJson(
       @PathParam(value = "accountId") String accountId) {

      InvoiceListDto invoices = generateMockData();

      return Response.ok(invoices).build();

     private InvoiceListDto generateMockData() {
      List<InvoiceDto> invoices = new ArrayList<InvoiceDto>();
      invoices.add(new InvoiceDto(1, "37897-001", new Date(), 58.92));
      invoices.add(new InvoiceDto(2, "37897-002", new Date(), 293.63));
      invoices.add(new InvoiceDto(3, "37897-003", new Date(), 173.3));
      invoices.add(new InvoiceDto(4, "37897-004", new Date(), 130.71));
      invoices.add(new InvoiceDto(5, "37897-005", new Date(), 270.71));
      invoices.add(new InvoiceDto(6, "37897-006", new Date(), 370.71));
      invoices.add(new InvoiceDto(7, "37897-007", new Date(), 570.71));
      invoices.add(new InvoiceDto(8, "37897-008", new Date(), 670.71));
      invoices.add(new InvoiceDto(9, "37897-009", new Date(), 770.71));
      invoices.add(new InvoiceDto(10, "37897-010", new Date(), 970.71));
      invoices.add(new InvoiceDto(11, "37897-011", new Date(), 3370.71));
      invoices.add(new InvoiceDto(12, "37897-012", new Date(), 1220.71));
      invoices.add(new InvoiceDto(13, "37897-013", new Date(), 1230.71));
      invoices.add(new InvoiceDto(14, "37897-014", new Date(), 140.71));
      invoices.add(new InvoiceDto(15, "37897-015", new Date(), 150.71));
      invoices.add(new InvoiceDto(16, "37897-016", new Date(), 160.71));
      invoices.add(new InvoiceDto(17, "37897-017", new Date(), 170.71));

      return new InvoiceListDto(invoices);



首先,如果你想实现分页,你就无法在 Java 和 Sencha 之间进行选择,你必须同时使用两者才能使其正常工作。服务应该能够接受诸如开始、页面、大小等参数,并且您的存储/代理应该向服务发送正确的参数以获取正确的数据页面。

有一个List Paging plugin sencha 中提供,您应该使用它,因为它工作起来很容易。除此之外,您可以查看此或任何其他 listPaging 教程:

如果您不想使用插件并实现您的方式,那么通过将您的列表标记为可滚动和 onscrollend 也很容易,您只需检查位置,如果它接近末尾,您只需加载商店并使用其记录创建新项目以推送到列表中。这是我在滚动结束时用来填充数据的函数:

onScrollEndOfList: function(scroller, x, y, store) {
    var pctScrolled = (x/scroller.maxPosition.x)*100;
    var remainingWidth = (scroller.maxPosition.x -x);
    if(!store.config.isFullyLoaded && remainingWidth < 1000/*pctScrolled > 70 && FETCH_DATA */){
        console.log("Already scrolled "+pctScrolled+", time to load more data. Width remaining="+remainingWidth);
            console.log("Store is now fully loaded with "+(store.currentPage * store.getPageSize()));
            store.config.isFullyLoaded = true;
            return false;
        } else {
            store.nextPage({ addRecords: true });
            console.log("loading next page");
            return true;
        return false;


storeFullyLoaded: function(store) {
    var total = store.getTotalCount();
    return total !== null ? store.getTotalCount() <= (store.currentPage * store.getPageSize()) : false;

要使 getTotalCount 正常工作,您需要在商店代理上进行 totalProperty 配置,如下所示:

        reader: {
            type: 'json',
            rootProperty: '',
            totalProperty: 'myResponse.status.totalCount' // where to look for total?


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