javascript -,为什么文本框 onChange 事件不触发?

标签 javascript html

我希望当用户选择用户 ID 后,用户 ID 显示在第一个只读文本框中,然后显示 onChange 时发生这种情况。当事件显示在第一个只读文本框中时,应该触发该事件,以便它可以将此用户 ID 复制到第二个文本框。然而它不起作用,它只起作用是 userID 显示在第一个文本框中,但 onChange 不会触发第二个文本框。


    <td align="right">
        Secondary Owner
        <input id="Hidden1" type="hidden" />
        <asp:TextBox ID="tbAdd_Sowner" runat="server" Enabled="false"></asp:TextBox>
        <input id="Hidden2" type="hidden" />
        <input id="Hidden3" type="hidden" />
        <a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="GalModalTOCCDialog(Hidden1, tbAdd_Sowner, Hidden2,Hidden3)">
            Get User ID</a>
        <asp:RequiredFieldValidator ID="RequiredFieldValidator7" ValidationGroup="g1" runat="server" ErrorMessage="* Required" ControlToValidate="tbAdd_Sowner"> <b style="color:Red;"> * </b></asp:RequiredFieldValidator>
        <asp:ValidatorCalloutExtender ID="ValidatorCalloutExtender8" runat="server" TargetControlID="RequiredFieldValidator7">
    <td align="right">Secondary Owners</td>
        <asp:TextBox ID="tbAdd_Sphone" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>
        <asp:RequiredFieldValidator ID="RequiredFieldValidator13" ValidationGroup="g1" runat="server" ErrorMessage="* Required" ControlToValidate="tbAdd_Sphone"> <b style="color:Red;"> * </b></asp:RequiredFieldValidator>
        <asp:ValidatorCalloutExtender ID="ValidatorCalloutExtender9" runat="server" TargetControlID="RequiredFieldValidator13">

然后在 <head> 中执行 JavaScript 代码复制第一个文本框值并放入第二个文本框:

        function getUserID() {
            document.getElementById('tbAdd_Sphone').value = document.getElementById('tbAdd_Sowner').value;

document.getElementById('tbAdd_Sowner').onchange = getUserID();


已编辑:我在这里添加了 GALModalDialog.js 代码,因为有些人想看看它是什么样的。我还有列出要选择的用户 ID 的 GALToCCDialong.asp 和从 AD 获取用户 ID 的 XMLGALListbox.asp。

function PopulateListboxFromString(oListbox,vNames,vUserIDs){

    var oArrayUserNames = vNames.value.split(';');
    var oArrayUserIDs = vUserIDs.value.split(';');

    for (var index=0;index < oArrayUserIDs.length;index++) {

        if (oArrayUserNames[index] != ''){
            var oOption = document.createElement("OPTION");
            oOption.innerText = oArrayUserNames[index];
            oOption.value = oArrayUserIDs[index];

function GalModalTOCCDialog(oTONames, oTOUserIDs,oCCNames, oCCUserIDs ) {

        if (oCCNames != null){

            var oInputArray = new Array(oTONames.value,oTOUserIDs.value,oCCNames.value,oCCUserIDs.value);

        } else {

            var oInputArray = new Array(oTONames.value,oTOUserIDs.value,'','');


        var oOutputArray = window.showModalDialog('GalAccess/GALToCCDialog.asp', oInputArray, 'dialogWidth:510px;dialogHeight:400px;status:no;help:no;');

        // Check if we get something back; 
        // User might have closed the window without using the buttons
        if (oOutputArray != null){

            //first element is true if user clicked OK

            if (oOutputArray[0]) {

                if (oCCNames != null){

                    oTONames.value = oOutputArray[1];
                    oTOUserIDs.value = oOutputArray[2];
                    oCCNames.value = oOutputArray[3];
                    oCCUserIDs.value = oOutputArray[4];

                } else {

                    oTONames.value = oOutputArray[1];
                    oTOUserIDs.value = oOutputArray[2];     


    return false;

function GalModalDialog(oSelectObject, oUserID) {

    if (oUserID == null){
        // there is a select object to fill data from
        // fill the input array
        var oInputArray = new Array(new Array(oSelectObject.options.length),new Array(oSelectObject.options.length));

        for (var index=0;index < oInputArray[0].length;index++) {
            oInputArray[0][index] = oSelectObject.options[index].innerText;
            oInputArray[1][index] = oSelectObject.options[index].value;


        var oOutputArray = window.showModalDialog('../GALDialog/GALModalDialog.asp', oInputArray, 'dialogWidth:500px;dialogHeight:320px;status:no;help:no;');

        // Check if we get something back; 
        // User might have closed the window without using the buttons
        if (oOutputArray != null){

            //first element is true if user clicked OK

            if (oOutputArray[0]) {
                //remove existing from end to beginning otherwise not all options are removed.

                var length=oSelectObject.options.length;
                for (var index=length-1;index >= 0;index--) {
                    oSelectObject.options[index] = null;

                // copy the array   
                for (var index=0;index < oOutputArray[1].length;index++) {
                    var oOption = document.createElement("OPTION");
                    oOption.innerText = oOutputArray[1][index];
                    oOption.value = oOutputArray[2][index];

    } else
        // there are 2 text objects to fill data from; the first contains the name, the secound the userid.
        //if (oSelectObject.value != '' ) {
        //  var oInputArray = new Array(new Array(1),new Array(1));
        //  oInputArray[0][0] = oSelectObject.value;
        //  oInputArray[1][0] = oUserID.value;

        //} else {

                var oInputArray = new Array(new Array(0),new Array(0));

        var oOutputArray = window.showModalDialog('../GALDialog/GALModalDialog.asp', oInputArray, 'dialogWidth:500px;dialogHeight:320px;status:no;help:no;');

        if (oOutputArray != null){

            //first element is true if user clicked OK

            if (oOutputArray[0]) {

                // copy the data    
                oSelectObject.value = oOutputArray[1][0];
                oUserID.value = oOutputArray[2][0];

    return false;

编辑:这是GALToCCDialog.asp的代码。在 SubmitOnclick功能和else if(vAction == 'OK')是我从选定的用户 ID 中单击“确定”按钮以提交到文本框的位置。

<SCRIPT ID=clientEventHandlersJS LANGUAGE=javascript>

function List_onkeydown(oList) {

    if( event.keyCode == 46 ){

        if ((oList.selectedIndex != -1)&&(oList.options[oList.selectedIndex].value != '')){
            oList.options[oList.selectedIndex] = null;



<script language="jscript">

function InitializeListbox(idXML, idSpan){

    // get to the XML specifying the names
    var oSelects;
    var strXML;

    oSelects  = idXML.XMLDocument.documentElement.childNodes;
    strXML = '';
    // Get all the options in 1 string
    for (var index=0;index< oSelects.length;index++){
        strXML = strXML + oSelects[index].xml;
    // the error handlingis there if idSpan refers to multiple objects

    // Insert the options in the html before the end of the SELECT
    // window.alert(strXML);
    //idSpan.innerHTML = replace(idSpan.innerHTML,"</SELECT>",strXML & "</SELECT>");
    idSpan.innerHTML = '<SELECT id=idUserSelect size=12 style="width:190px">' + strXML + '</SELECT>';

function SubmitOnclick(vAction, oObject){

    //DistList.action = "DistList.asp?Action=" & vAction ;

    if (vAction == 'Add'){

        if ((idUserSelect.value!='')&&(idUserSelect.value!='Unknown')){
            var oOption = document.createElement("OPTION");
            oOption.innerText = idUserSelect.options[idUserSelect.selectedIndex].text;
            oOption.value = idUserSelect.options[idUserSelect.selectedIndex].value;
    }   else if(vAction == 'Find') {
        idXMLUsers.src ='XMLGALListbox.asp?Searchstring=' + SearchString.value;

    } else if(vAction == 'Remove'){

        if ((idMyList.selectedIndex != -1)&&(idMyList.options[idMyList.selectedIndex].value != '')){
            idMyList.options[idMyList.selectedIndex] = null;
    } else if(vAction == 'OK'){

        //window.returnValue = + ' ' + MonthNames[cal.month-1] + ' ' + cal.year ;
        // create an array

        var TONames = ''
        var TOUserIDs = ''
        var CCNames = ''
        var CCUserIDs = ''

        for (var index = 0; index < 1; index++) {
            TONames = TONames + idTOList.options[index].innerText;
            TOUserIDs = TOUserIDs + idTOList.options[index].value;

        //Commented out by Nick, use if you want multiple userIDs etc...
        //for (var index=0;index < idTOList.options.length;index++) {
        //  TONames = TONames + idTOList.options[index].innerText  ;
        //  TOUserIDs = TOUserIDs + idTOList.options[index].value ;         

        //for (var index=0;index < idCCList.options.length;index++) {
            //CCNames = CCNames + idCCList.options[index].innerText ;
            //CCUserIDs = CCUserIDs + idCCList.options[index].value ;


        var oArray = new Array(true,TONames,TOUserIDs,CCNames,CCUserIDs);

        window.returnValue = oArray;



    } else if(vAction == 'Cancel'){
        var oArray = new Array(false);
        window.returnValue = oArray;



function OnBodyLoad() {

    //clear all list data

        var oArray = window.dialogArguments;


    } catch(e)


function PopulateListboxFromString(oListbox,vNames,vUserIDs){

    var oArrayUserNames = vNames.split(';');
    var oArrayUserIDs = vUserIDs.split(';');
    for (var index=0;index < oArrayUserIDs.length;index++) {

        if (oArrayUserNames[index] != ''){
            var oOption = document.createElement("OPTION");
            oOption.innerText = oArrayUserNames[index];
            oOption.value = oArrayUserIDs[index];


function OnBodyLoad__() {

        var oArray = window.dialogArguments;

        for (var index=0;index < oArray[0].length;index++) {
            var oOption = document.createElement("OPTION");
            oOption.innerText = oArray[0][index];
            oOption.value = oArray[1][index];

    } catch(e)


<body class="cellcolorlightest content" onload="OnBodyLoad();">
<xml id="idXMLUsers" src="XMLGALListbox.asp?Searchstring=" ondatasetcomplete="InitializeListbox(idXMLUsers, idUsers);"></xml>

    <table class="TableBorderNormal" width="100%" border=0 cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1">
        <col width="50%"></col><col></col><col width="50%"></col>

         <td colspan="3" class="TDvwvInfo" align="left"><STRONG>Find Name</STRONG><br><FONT size=2>Type name and hit "Search"</FONT></td>

         <td  class="TDvwvInfo" align="left"><input name="SearchString" style="WIDTH: 190px" size="20"> &nbsp;</td>
         <td class="TDvwvInfo" align="middle" valign=top><input  type="button" value="Search" name="Find" onclick="SubmitOnclick('Find')"></td>
         <td class="TDvwvInfo" align="left"></td>

         <td class="TDvwvInfo" align="left" nowrap><STRONG>Users found</STRONG><br><FONT size=2>Select from list and hit "Select" to add</FONT></td>
         <td class="TDvwvInfo" align="middle"></td>
         <td class="TDvwvInfo" align="left" valign=top><STRONG>Get User ID</STRONG><br></td>


         <td class="TDvwv" align="left" width="33%" rowspan=2  valign=top><span id="idUsers">   </span> </td>               
         <td class="TDvwvInfo" align="middle" valign=top width="33%">
         <input  type="button" value="Select &gt;" name="Add" onclick="SubmitOnclick('Add', idTOList);"><br><br>&nbsp;
         <td class="TDvwv" align="left" width="33%"  valign=top>
          <select id="idTOList" size="5" style="WIDTH: 190px" LANGUAGE=javascript onkeydown="return List_onkeydown(this)"> </select><br>&nbsp;
          <br />
          <b style="color:red">* Only add one user, if you added the wrong user click cancel and try again.</b>

                 <td align=middle  valign=top>
                 <!-- <input type="hidden" value="CC  >" name="CC" onclick="SubmitOnclick('Add', idCCList);" disabled="disabled"><br><br>&nbsp;--> <!--INPUT name=Remove onclick="SubmitOnclick('Remove');" type=button value="  < Remove"--></td>
                 <td align=left  valign=top>
                  <!--<select id=idCCList size=5 style="WIDTH: 190px" LANGUAGE=javascript onkeydown="return List_onkeydown(this)" disabled="disabled" visible="false"></select></td>-->


         <td align="middle" ></td>
         <td align=middle></td>
         <td align=left>
          <input type="button" value="OK" name="OK" onclick="SubmitOnclick('OK',null);">&nbsp;&nbsp;
          <input type="button" value="Cancel" name="Cancel" onclick="SubmitOnclick('Cancel',null);"></td>




document.getElementById('<%= tbAdd_Sphone.ClientID %>')



MSDN Control.ClientID Property

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