javascript - NodeJS 无法异步发出 GET 请求

标签 javascript node.js asynchronous

我是Nodejs和异步编程的菜鸟。我在异步函数内执行 GET 请求时遇到问题。我在这里发布整个代码。我正在尝试提取所有 URL 的列表,将它们添加到列表中并将该列表发送到另一个函数进行处理。

我的问题是处理它们。对于每个 url,我都会执行 GET 请求来获取正文并查找其中的图像元素。我希望将图像 url 作为 GET 参数传递给第 3 方 api。我无法执行 GET 请求,因为控件似乎根本没有到达那里。

var async = require("async"),
request = require("request"),
cheerio = require("cheerio");


function(callback) {
    var url = "someSourceUrl";
    var linkList = [];
    request(url, function(err, resp, body) {
        var $ = cheerio.load(body);
        $('.list_more li').each(function() {
            //Find all urls and add them to a list
            $(this).find('a').each(function() {
        callback(null, linkList);

//pass all the links as a list to callback
function(liksListFetched, callback) {
    for (var i in liksListFetched) {
        callback(null, liksListFetched[i]);

//***********My problem is with the below code**************
function(err, curUrl) {
    var cuResp = "";
    console.log("Currently Processing Url : " + curUrl);

    request(curUrl, function(err, resp, body) {

        var $ = cheerio.load(body);
        var article = $("article");
        var articleImage = article.find("figure").children('img').attr('src');
        var responseGrabbed = "API response : ";
        //check if there is an IMG element
        if (articleImage === undefined) {
            console.log("No Image Found.");
            articleImage = 'none';
        else {
            //if there is an img element, pass this image url to an API,
            //So do a GET call by passing imageUrl to the API as a GET param
            request("http://apiurl.tld?imageurl=" + articleImage, function(error, response, resp) {             //code doesn't seem to reach here 
                I would like to grab the response and concatenate it to the responseGrabbed var.
                responseGrabbed += resp;
        console.log(responseGrabbed);// api response never gets concatenated :(



request() 是异步的,因此当您在控制台记录字符串时,字符串尚未构建,您必须在回调内执行控制台日志:

request("http://apiurl.tld?imageurl=" + articleImage, function(error, response, resp) {                             
    responseGrabbed += resp;
    console.log(responseGrabbed);// api response never gets concatenated :(


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