JavaScript 未显示正确的图像

标签 javascript jquery


JavaScript 有点 split 。这部分位于页面上:


//waits until document is open

$(window).load(function() {

//if it's night time when you read this it displays a night time photo, if it's day time it's a day time photo... don't know how many people might notice

if (time === "night"){

 //makes the font white with a black outline so you can read it easily on the night photo
    $("#content").css("text-shadow","1px 0 0 #000, 0 -1px 0 #000, 0 1px 0 #000, -1px 0 0     #000");


else {

    $("#content").css("text-shadow","1px 0 0 #fff, 0 -1px 0 #fff, 0 1px 0 #fff, -1px 0 0      Ωfff");}});


 //fades in the first line of text


setTimeout(function () {

//fades in the second line of text


setTimeout(function () {


setTimeout(function () {


setTimeout(function () {

window.location.href = "6.html";

    }, 4000);

    }, 2000);

    }, 2000);

    }, 3000);




// Javascript and Jquery rock!
//Variables to be used throughout
//The user's current hour

var hour = (new Date()).getHours()

//use the variable 'time' to know if it is day or night. Can use to change background even wording.
//The variable 'time' will either be Day or Night depending on what time it is

var time = []

if (hour < 20){

else {


//Gets the user's city based on IP and replaces #homeCity span with the name of their city
// not perfectly accurate but fun

    function(json) {



//The user's username, they enter it near the beginning

var userName = []




var isDay = (hour < 20);

if (isDay) {
//do day stuff
//do night stuff

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