javascript - 根据属性值降序对键值对进行排序

标签 javascript arrays sorting

我根据一些值构建了一个 K/V 对数组。


var selItemsDimArray = []

    'examinedElem': multiselected[i],
    'x': bb.x,
    'y': bb.y,
    'x2': (bb.x + bb.width),
    'y2': (bb.y + bb.height),
    'height': bb.height,
    'width': bb.width

How can I sort selItemsDimArray numerically(lowest to highest) based on element.x property?

“深受喜爱”的 W3schools 给了我一个例子:

var points = [40, 100, 1, 5, 25, 10];
points.sort(function(a, b){return a-b}); //Where did a and b come from?



selItemsDimArray.sort(function(a, b) {
    // here a and b are two items from selItemsDimArray array
    // which means it is possible access and compare the x property for both items
    return a.x - b.x;

Array.prototype.sort on MDN

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