javascript - 2D Javascript 数组类型错误

标签 javascript arrays undefined multidimensional-array typeerror

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Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property '0' of undefined

使用以下代码。我相信这是因为我没有正确声明 2D 数组的子数组,但我真的很困惑应该在哪里声明它。任何想法都会很棒。

// Create an array for the tiles we're about to draw
var tileArray = []


我认为这是因为我试图在每个 [col] 中创建子元素,所以我想我需要在某处声明每个 col 编号,但我尝试的任何操作似乎都不起作用。

function drawGrid()

            // Draw diamond grid

            var col = 0;
            var row = 0;

            topTileX = (viewWidth/2);
            topTileY = 0;

            var nextX = 0;
            var nextY = 0;

            var getCols = 0;

            while (topTileX > -1)

                tileArray[col][row] = new DiamondTile(topTileX, topTileY, tileWidth, true, col, row);

                while (tileArray[col][row].xPos + tileArray[col][row].tileWidth < (viewWidth) + tileWidth)

                    nextX = tileArray[col-1][row].xPos + tileArray[col-1][row].tileWidth / 2;
                    nextY = tileArray[col-1][row].yPos + tileArray[col-1][row].tileHeight / 2;

                    tileArray[col][row] = new DiamondTile(nextX, nextY, tileWidth, true, col, row);

                    if (col == getCols)

            getCols = col;
            col = 0;

            topTileX = topTileX - tileWidth/2;
            topTileY = topTileY + tileHeight/2;



function DiamondTile(xPos,yPos,width,interactive,myCol,myRow)
            // Set x and y position for this sprite
            this.xPos = xPos;
            this.yPos = yPos;
            this.myRow = myRow;
            this.myCol = myCol;

            // Used for AI pathfinding
            this.isObstacle = false;
            this.isStart = false;
            this.isEnd = false;

            this.gValue = 0;
            this.hValue = 0;
            this.fCost = 0;

            this.tileWidth = width;
            this.tileHeight = this.tileWidth/2;

            var self = this;

            // Create sprite
            this.spriteObj = new PIXI.Sprite(grass);
            this.spriteObj.interactive = interactive;

            this.spriteObj.anchor = new PIXI.Point(0.5,0);

            this.spriteObj.hitArea = new PIXI.Polygon([
                new PIXI.Point(0,0),
                new PIXI.Point(100,50),
                new PIXI.Point(0,100),
                new PIXI.Point(-100,50)

            this.spriteObj.mouseover = function()
                if (self.spriteObj.tint == 0xFFFFFF)
                self.spriteObj.tint = 0xA7E846;

                text2.setText(self.myCol + "," + self.myRow + " Start: " + self.isStart);
            this.spriteObj.mouseout = function()
                if (self.spriteObj.tint == 0xA7E846)
                self.spriteObj.tint = 0xFFFFFF;
   = function()
                if (startStage === true)
                    startStage = false;
                    self.isStart = true;
                    self.spriteObj.tint = 0x1AFF00;
                    text.setText("Now select an end point");
                    endStage = true;
                    return true;
                if (endStage === true)
                    endStage = false;
                    self.isEnd = true;
                    self.spriteObj.tint = 0xFF0000;
                    text.setText("Now place some obstacles");
                    obsStage = true;
                    return true;
                if (obsStage ===true)
                    self.isObstacle = true;
                    self.spriteObj.tint = 0x3B3B3B;
                    text.setText("Press 'C' to calculate path");
                    return true;




这是一个多维数组,您没有正确初始化第一维数组。在 while 循环中,您必须初始化第一个维度才能使用索引访问第二个维度元素:

while (topTileX > -1)
    if (tileArray[col] == null)
        tileArray[col] = [];

    tileArray[col][row] = new DiamondTile(topTileX, topTileY, tileWidth, true, col, row);

    // omitted other code for brevity

Javascript 数组是动态的,在这种情况下初始化第一维数组元素就足够了。您不必初始化第二维中的各个项目。

更新:这是一个工作代码 的 fiddle


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