javascript - meteor :将子文档添加到现有记录

标签 javascript mongodb meteor


dGroup = new SimpleSchema({
    title:      { type: String, optional: true },
    element:    { type: String, optional: true }

MongoDB.attachSchema(new SimpleSchema({
    title:      { type: String },
    slug:       { type: String, unique: true },
    language:   { type: String, defaultValue: "en" },
    group:      { type: [dGroup], optional: true },


{ "_id" : "ag9qXWpCYm87kZbEk", "title" : "Test", "slug" : "test", "language" : "en" }

现在我想添加一个 dGroup -> title:

updates['group.title'] = 'insert this as a new group title with no element';
MongoDB.update({ _id: Id }, { $push: updates }, function(error) { if(error) console.warn(error); });

但这行不通。所以我需要一些帮助来在 meteor 中添加子文档,以防它们不存在。



var newGroup = {
  title: 'insert this as a new group title with no element'
MongoDB.update({ _id: Id }, { $push: {group: newGroup }}, function(error) { if(error) console.warn(error); });

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