javascript - 使用 d3.js 创建甘特图

标签 javascript d3.js


  {'TotalTime': 10, 'Hour': 0, 'Name': 'Sam'}, 
  {'TotalTime': 15, 'Hour': 1, 'Name': 'Bob'}, 
  {'TotalTime': 300, 'Hour': 2, 'Name': 'Tom'},
  ... and so on till, 
  {'TotalTime': 124, 'Hour': 23, 'Name': 'Jon'}

一天中每个小时的数据。我希望从中创建一个甘特图,其中条形的大小基于 TotalTime。

y 轴上的名称和 x 轴上的小时。



这是可能的,但如果您使用 D3.js,则需要自己绘制它。因此,如果您以前制作过条形图,沿着这些思路,设置一些轴,将它们添加到 SVG 并使用它们将数据转换为您将放在图表上的矩形,然后使用数据中的名称标记矩形。 D3.js 不包含此布局。如果您还没有这样做,请浏览 tutorials : Let’s Make a Bar Chart, Parts I , II & III ,然后继续查看 custom time axis example ,以及 related A P I s。

还有许多其他基于 D3.js 构建的库,例如 C3提供预制图表(如 D3 的布局),但我不知道有哪个提供甘特样式图表。有one example Gantt chart那里(随机将任务添加到从 1 小时到 1 周的各种缩放时间 View 中),但我发现它比下面我自己的时间 block 更令人困惑。 YMMV。

我用 d3js 制作了一个更像日历的图表,您可以在这里阅读: 。您有不同的输入数据格式,但您可以在紧要关头进行调整并交换旋转轴。假设您愿意尽快紧急执行此操作。

为了使上述内容更易于阅读和查看,我将其拆解为 JSfiddle example .

这里只是内嵌到答案中的 JavaScript(这不是甘特图,它是一周 7 天的计划时间 block 的垂直布局):

    var timeFmt = d3.time.format.utc('%H.%M'),
      weekdaydef = 'Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun'.split(' '),
      weekdayseq = 'Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun'.split(' '),
      axes = [null, null, null, null];

    function hm(i) {
      var s = i.toFixed(2);
      return timeFmt.parse((s.length < 4) ? '0' + s : s);
    var timeData = [
        {key: "m1","wday": 0,"begin": hm(6.00),"end": hm(7.00),
        label: "Rising, dress etc\n\retc"},
        {key: "m2","wday": 0,"begin": hm(7.00),"end": hm(7.30),
        label: "Prep Sophie"},
        {key: "m3","wday": 0,"begin": hm(7.30),"end": hm(8.00),
        label: "Transit to School"
      }, {
        key: "t1",
        "wday": 1,
        "begin": hm(6.00),
        "end": hm(7.00),
        label: "Rising, dress etc"
      }, {
        key: "t2",
        "wday": 1,
        "begin": hm(17.00),
        "end": hm(18.00),
        label: "call"

        key: "w1",
        "wday": 2,
        "begin": hm(6.00),
        "end": hm(7.00),
        'color': 0,
        label: "Rising, dress etc"
      }, {
        key: "w2",
        "wday": 2,
        "begin": hm(7.00),
        "end": hm(7.30),
        'color': 0,
        label: "Prep Sophie"
      }, {
        key: "w3",
        "wday": 2,
        "begin": hm(7.30),
        "end": hm(8.00),
        'color': 1,
        label: "Transit to School"
      }, {
        key: "w4",
        "wday": 2,
        "begin": hm(8.00),
        "end": hm(9.00),
        'color': 2,
        label: "Read Emails"
      }, {
        key: "w5",
        "wday": 2,
        "begin": hm(9.00),
        "end": hm(10.00),
        'color': 2,
        label: "Write Emails"
      }, {
        key: "w6",
        "wday": 2,
        "begin": hm(10.00),
        "end": hm(13.00),
        'color': 3,
        label: "Job"
      }, {
        key: "w7",
        "wday": 2,
        "begin": hm(13.00),
        "end": hm(14.00),
        'color': 4,
        label: "Lunch & Meditation"
      }, {
        key: "w8",
        "wday": 2,
        "begin": hm(14.00),
        "end": hm(15.00),
        'color': 5,
        label: "Pick Sophie & Home"
      }, {
        key: "w9",
        "wday": 2,
        "begin": hm(15.00),
        "end": hm(18.00),
        'color': 0,
        label: "Clean"
      }, {
        key: "wa",
        "wday": 2,
        "begin": hm(18.00),
        "end": hm(19.00),
        'color': 0,
        label: "Plan"
      }, {
        key: "wb",
        "wday": 2,
        "begin": hm(19.00),
        "end": hm(20.00),
        'color': 0,
        label: "Wrap: Read Email & Clean"

        key: "r1",
        "wday": 3,
        "begin": hm(6.00),
        "end": hm(7.00),
        label: "Rising, dress etc"

        key: "f1",
        "wday": 4,
        "begin": hm(6.00),
        "end": hm(7.00),
        label: "Rising, dress etc"
    timeData = timeData.sort(function(a, b) {
      var o = d3.ascending(a.wday, b.wday);
      return o === 0 ? d3.ascending(a.begin, b.begin) : o;
    // Spacing out times by 5 minutes... see display
    // var timeDataMap =, function(d) {return d.key;});
    // timeDataMap.forEach(function(k,v) {v.end.setMinutes(v.end.getMinutes()-5);});
    // timeData = timeDataMap.values();
    var scale, colors = d3.scale.category10();
      function(i) {
        return d3.rgb(colors(i)).brighter(1.25).toString();

    function d3UpdateScales() {
      var svg ='#timeblock')[0][0],
        margin = {
          top: 25,
          right: 80,
          bottom: 25,
          left: 80
        width = svg.clientWidth - margin.left - margin.right,
        height = svg.clientHeight - - margin.bottom;
      return scale = {
        margin: margin,
        width: width,
        height: height,
        time: d3.time.scale.utc() // not d3.scale.linear()
          .domain([d3.min(timeData, function(d) {
              return d.begin
            d3.max(timeData, function(d) {
              return d.end
          .rangeRound([0, height]),
        days: d3.scale.ordinal()
          .rangePoints([0, width]),
        week: d3.scale.ordinal()
          .rangeRoundBands([0, width], 0.05),

    function d3Update() {
      var scale = d3UpdateScales();

      // Update…
      var svg ='#timeblock');
      if ('g.view')[0][0] == null) {
        svg.append('g').attr('class', 'view').attr('transform', 'translate(' + scale.margin.left + ',' + + ')');
      var g ='g.view').selectAll('')

      // Enter…
      var ge = g.enter()
        .attr('class', 'data');

        .attr("x", function(d) {
          return scale.week(weekdaydef[d.wday]) + (scale.week.rangeBand() / 2)
        .attr("y", function(d) {
          var e = new Date(d.end);
          e.setMinutes(e.getMinutes() - 5);
          return scale.time(d.begin) + ((scale.time(e) - scale.time(d.begin)) / 2)
        .attr("width", 0)
        .attr("height", 0)
        .attr("style", function(d) {
          return ("color" in d) ? "fill:" + colors(d.color) : null
        .attr("dy", "1.1em")
        .text(function(d) {
          return d.label;

      // Exit…

      // Update…"rect")
        .attr("x", function(d) {
          return scale.week(weekdaydef[d.wday])
        .attr("y", function(d) {
          return scale.time(d.begin)
        .attr("width", function(d) {
          return scale.week.rangeBand()
        .attr("height", function(d) {
          var e = new Date(d.end);
          e.setMinutes(e.getMinutes() - 5);
          return (scale.time(e) - scale.time(d.begin))
        .attr("x", function(d) {
          return scale.week(weekdaydef[d.wday]) + 5
        .attr("y", function(d) {
          return scale.time(d.begin)


    function axesAddOrUpdate(svg) {
      var xaxis_t = d3.svg.axis().scale(scale.week).tickSize(13).orient('top'),
        yaxis_r = d3.svg.axis().scale(scale.time).tickSize(7).orient('right'),
        xaxis_b = d3.svg.axis().scale(scale.week).tickSize(13),
        yaxis_l = d3.svg.axis().scale(scale.time).tickSize(7).orient('left');
      // global axes array contains top, right, bottom, left axis.
      if (null == axes[0]) {
        axes[0] = svg.append("g").attr('class', 'axis')
          .attr('transform', 'translate(' + String(scale.margin.left) + ',' + String( + ')')
      } else {
      if (null == axes[2]) {
        axes[2] = svg.append("g").attr('class', 'axis')
          .attr('transform', 'translate(' + String(scale.margin.left) + ',' + String(scale.height + + ')')
      } else {
      if (null == axes[3]) {
        axes[3] = svg.append("g").attr('class', 'axis')
          .attr('transform', 'translate(' + String(scale.margin.left - 5) + ',' + String( + ')')
      } else {
      if (null == axes[1]) {
        axes[1] = svg.append("g").attr('class', 'axis')
          .attr('transform', 'translate(' + String(scale.margin.left + scale.width + 5) + ',' + String( + ')')
      } else {

    window.onload = d3Update;'#b_rotate').on("click", function(d, i, t) {

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