javascript - jQuery .data() 未按预期工作

标签 javascript jquery html

我遇到 .data 问题,这是第二次。如果我在这里使用 .data 它不会添加任何数据属性:'to-do', toDoCount);


delete_button.attr('data-to-do', toDoCount);

我关注了 ,特别是 $( "body").data( "foo", 52 );

// Create an initial toDoCount variable
    var toDoCount = 0;

    //  On Click event associated with the add-to-do function
    $("#add-to-do").on("click", function(event) {
      // prevent form from submitting

      // Get the to-do "value" from the textbox and store it a variable
      var thing_todo = $('#to-do').val().trim();

      // Create a new variable that will hold a "<p>" tag.
      // Then give it an ID in the following form:
      // "item-4" or "item-3" or "item-99", where the number is equal to toDoCount.
      // Then append the to-do "value" as text to this <p> element.
      var new_todo_element = $("<p>");
      new_todo_element.attr('id', 'item-' + toDoCount);
      new_todo_element.append(' ' + thing_todo);

      // Create a button with unique identifiers based on what number it is in the list. Again use jQuery to do this.
      // Give your button a data attribute called data-to-do and a class called "checkbox".
      // Lastly append the letter X inside.
      var delete_button = $("<button>");'to-do', toDoCount);
    //   delete_button.attr('data-to-do', toDoCount);

      // Append the button to the to do item

      // Add the button and toDoItem to the to-dos div

      // Clear the textbox when done

      // Add to the toDoCount
      toDoCount += 1;


    //  When a user clicks a check box then delete the specific content
    //  (NOTE: Pay attention to the unusual syntax here for the click event.
    //  Because we are creating click events on "dynamic" content, we can't just use the usual "on" "click" syntax.)
    $(document.body).on("click", ".checkbox", function() {

      // Get the number of the button from its data attribute and hold in a variable called  toDoNumber.
    //   var item_id =

      // Select and Empty the specific <p> element that previously held the to do item number.

<script src=""></script>

  <meta charset="UTF-8">
  <title>To Do App!</title>

    #todo-item {
      font-weight: 700;
      font-size: 2em;


  <!-- Title -->
  <h1>My To Do's!</h1>

  <!-- Input Form -->
    <span id="todo-item">To Do Item: <input id="to-do" type="text" ><input id="add-to-do" value="Add Item" type="submit"></span>


  <!-- To-Do List -->
  <div id="to-dos"></div>



别担心,你做的一切都是对的。使用 data() 函数设置内容不会更改底层 HTML,但仍然允许您稍后使用 data() 检索它。来自文档:

The data- attributes are pulled in the first time the data property is accessed and then are no longer accessed or mutated (all data values are then stored internally in jQuery).

这样做的原因当然是优化 - 当您稍后要通过 jQuery 检索 HTML 时,为什么还要编辑 HTML?如果您需要实际编辑文档,attr() 是您的 friend 。

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