javascript - IIFE 作为闭包

标签 javascript scope closures iife

You Don't Know Javascript系列中,IIFE 的 1/3 被描述为本身不是闭包,但前提是它们在词法范围之外执行:

Chapter 3 introduced the IIFE pattern. While it is often said that IIFE (alone) is an example of observed closure, I would somewhat disagree, by our definition above.

This code "works", but it's not strictly an observation of closure. Why? Because the function (which we named "IIFE" here) is not executed outside its lexical scope. It's still invoked right there in the same scope as it was declared (the enclosing/global scope that also holds a). a is found via normal lexical scope look-up, not really via closure.

var a = 2;

(function IIFE(){ // not actually a "closure"
    console.log( a ); 

在此SO post ,以下代码片段作为闭包的示例:

for (var i = 0; i < someVar.length; i++)
    (function (i) {
        window.setTimeout(function () { 
            alert("Value of i was "+i+" when this timer was set" )
        }, 10000);

我试图根据闭包的定义来理解这一点(如 this medium article 中定义):

To use a closure, simply define a function inside another function and expose it. To expose a function, return it or pass it to another function. ...

The inner function will have access to the variables in the outer function scope, even after the outer function has returned.


a way to "remember" and continue to access a function's scope (its variables) even once the function has finished running.

因此,在这个示例中,我看到循环的 i 在传递到结束 IIFE 时会被记住。


“传递给另一个函数或返回”部分发生在哪里?我的猜测是,IIFE 能够在每次迭代时记住外部 i for 循环值,因为 IIFE 被传递到窗口?



in this example, I see that the loop's i is remembered when passed into the closing IIFE

没有。 IIFE 仅提供 i 的范围值得被记住的值(value)。正如您引用的引文所述, IIFE 函数不是一个闭包。 使用 i 的函数表达式是闭包:

(function IIFE(i) {
    // this is the scope of i

    window.setTimeout(function closure() {
        // this function closes over i
        alert("Value of my local 'i' is still "+i+" even after 10 seconds");
    }, 10000);
// ^ this is some arbitrary value passed to the IIFE - it could have been a loop variable

Where is the "passing to another function or returning" portion happening?

这是 closure函数被传递到 setTimeout ,这将从 i 的位置回调它通常将不再被定义 - 如果它不是一个闭包。

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