javascript - 设置 React Native 子组件

标签 javascript reactjs react-native

我尝试通过 React Native 中的父组件向子组件发送数据。 Parent Component


Children Component

const Input = ({ proportion, label }) => {
  const { inputStyle } = styles;
  inputStyle.flex = proportion;

  return (
    <View style={containerStyle}>
      <TextInput style={inputStyle} />

const style = {
  inputStyle: {
    flex: 2

我遇到错误 You attempted set the key 'flex' with the value '3' on an object that is meant to be immutable and has been frozen 。有趣的事实,当我有一个 <Input /> Component一切正常并设置flex: 5 ,我达到了我想要的,但是第二个 <Input /> Component我有错误。我该如何解决这个问题并正确设置?



const Input = ({ proportion, label }) => {
  const { inputStyle } = styles;

  return (
    <View style={containerStyle}>
      <TextInput style={{...inputStyle, flex: proportion}} />

const style = {
  inputStyle: {
    flex: 2

您像 const 一样定义样式,因此会出现错误。你也可以通过let将其定义为变量。

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