javascript - 简单的 JavaScript 计数器(不使用 jQuery 或其他框架)

标签 javascript

我需要一个简单的 JavaScript 计数器,它在页面加载时从 0 开始计数,一直计数到 HTML 中定义的数字。

这是 jQuery 版本...我怎样才能用纯 JavaScript 做同样的事情?

$('.count').each(function () {
        Counter: $(this).text()
    }, {
        duration: 4000,
        easing: 'swing',
        step: function (now) {
<script src=""></script>
<span class="count">200</span>%



let start // set on the first step to the timestamp provided
const el = document.getElementById('count') // get the element
const final = parseInt(el.textContent, 10) // parse out the final number
const duration = 4000 // duration in ms
const step = ts => {
  if (!start) {
    start = ts
  // get the time passed as a fraction of total duration
  let progress = (ts - start) / duration 

  el.textContent = Math.floor(progress * final) // set the text
  if (progress < 1) {
    // if we're not 100% complete, request another animation frame

// start the animation
<span id="count">200</span>%

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