javascript - History.length 类方法有什么作用?

标签 javascript html browser browser-history html5-history

我通常使用window.history来访问Historyweb API ,但是我注意到在 MDN 上,全局 History 对象上有静态单例方法/属性,例如 History.length

我注意到 History.length 返回 0 是不正确的,而 window.history.length 返回 非零 正确的值。



History 构造函数的 length 属性与任何函数相同。

参见Function.length on MDN :

The length property indicates the number of arguments expected by the function.

function foo() {};
function bar(a, b, c) {};
console.log({ foo: foo.length, bar: bar.length });

console.log("History is a " + typeof History);
console.log("history is a " + typeof history);
console.log("History is the same as history? " + (History == history));

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