javascript - 使用计时器以给定的时间间隔打印数组的各个元素

标签 javascript for-loop timer


尝试使用 setInterval() 函数和 for 循环来完成此操作。

var countries = ['US', 'UK', 'Canda', 'Mexico', 'Panama',         
                 'Dominican Republic', 'Brazil', 'Germany', 'France', 
                 'Portugal','Spain', 'the Netherlands']; 

function printCountries() {
    for (i = 0; i < countries.length; i++) {

setInterval(printCountries, 2000);



你不需要循环。该间隔充当循环机制,因为它每 2 秒连续运行一次。



let output = document.querySelector("div");

var countries = ['US', 'UK', 'Canda', 'Mexico', 'Panama',         
                 'Dominican Republic', 'Brazil', 'Germany', 'France', 
                 'Portugal','Spain', 'the Netherlands']; 

let timer = null; // Will hold a reference to the timer
let index = 0;    // Keeps track of which array element to show next

function printCountries() {
   // Set the contents of the output element (the <div>) to its old
   // contents, plus the next country name and an HTML <br>. This is
   // what makes the contets of the <div> grow each time a new country
   // is iterated.
   output.innerHTML = output.innerHTML + countries[index] + "<br>";
   // Check to see if we've reached the end of the array.
   if(index === countries.length-1){
     clearInterval(timer);  // Cancel the timer
   } else {
     index++; // Increment the index so that the next time, we get the next country

// You'll want to stop the interval when you're done iterating the array
// so you need to set u a reference to it to refer to later.
timer = setInterval(printCountries, 2000);

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