javascript - 如何用 jQuery UI 对话框替换 window.alert ('' ) - 合并两个脚本

标签 javascript jquery jquery-ui jquery-ui-dialog

我正在寻求一些关于合并两个 jquery 脚本的帮助。附加的两个示例都具有基本功能,但我没有足够的经验将它们组合成一个脚本。我想要实现的是附加代码 B 中的消息对话框将替换 window.alert(str);来自代码A。




<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8" />

<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/login.css">
<script src="js/produkty.js" defer></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="//">
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

  $( function() {
    var dialog, form,

      emailRegex = /^[a-zA-Z0-9.!#$%&'*+\/=?^_`{|}~-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])?(?:\.[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])?)*$/,
      name = $( "#name" ),
      email = $( "#email" ),
      password = $( "#password" ),
      allFields = $( [] ).add( name ).add( email ).add( password ),
      tips = $( ".validateTips" );

    function updateTips( t ) {
        .text( t )
        .addClass( "ui-state-highlight" );
      setTimeout(function() {
        tips.removeClass( "ui-state-highlight", 1500 );
      }, 500 );

    function checkLength( o, n, min, max ) {
      if ( o.val().length > max || o.val().length < min ) {
        o.addClass( "ui-state-error" );
        updateTips( "Length of " + n + " must be between " +
          min + " and " + max + "." );
        return false;
      } else {
        return true;

    function checkRegexp( o, regexp, n ) {
      if ( !( regexp.test( o.val() ) ) ) {
        o.addClass( "ui-state-error" );
        updateTips( n );
        return false;
      } else {
        return true;

    function addUser() {
      var valid = true;
      allFields.removeClass( "ui-state-error" );

      valid = valid && checkLength( name, "username", 3, 16 );
      valid = valid && checkLength( email, "email", 6, 80 );
      valid = valid && checkLength( password, "password", 5, 16 );

      valid = valid && checkRegexp( name, /^[a-z]([0-9a-z_\s])+$/i, "Username may consist of a-z, 0-9, underscores, spaces and must begin with a letter." );
      valid = valid && checkRegexp( email, emailRegex, "eg." );
      valid = valid && checkRegexp( password, /^([0-9a-zA-Z])+$/, "Password field only allow : a-z 0-9" );

      if ( valid ) {

                method: "POST",
                url: "registerEngine.php",
                data: {"name": name.val(), "email": email.val(), "password": password.val()},
             }).done(function( data ) {
                var result = $.parseJSON(data);

                var str = '';
                if(result == 1) {
                        str = 'Nowe konto zarejestrowane prawidłowo.';
                        window.location.href = "login.php";

                }else if( result == 2) {
                        str == 'Wymagane jest wypełnienie wszystkich pól.';
                        window.location.href = "register.php";
                } else{
                        str = 'Błąd rejestracji danych. Spróbuj ponownie.';
                        window.location.href = "register.php";

        dialog.dialog( "close" );

      return valid;

    dialog = $( "#dialog-form" ).dialog({
      autoOpen: true,
      height: 400,
      width: 350,
      modal: true,
      buttons: {
        "Create an account": addUser,
        Cancel: function() {
          dialog.dialog( "close" );
          window.location.href = "index.php";
      close: function() {
        form[ 0 ].reset();
        allFields.removeClass( "ui-state-error" );

    form = dialog.find( "form" ).on( "submit", function( event ) {

  } );

<title>Jadłospis - Logowanie</title>

<div id="dialog-form" title="Create new user">
  <p class="validateTips">All form fields are required.</p>

      <label for="name">Name</label>
      <input type="text" name="name" id="name" value="Jane Smith" class="text ui-widget-content ui-corner-all">
      <label for="email">Email</label>
      <input type="text" name="email" id="email" value="" class="text ui-widget-content ui-corner-all">
      <label for="password">Password</label>
      <input type="password" name="password" id="password" value="xxxxxxx" class="text ui-widget-content ui-corner-all">
      <input type="submit" tabindex="-1" style="position:absolute; top:-1000px">


代码 B - 也是有效的 jquery 对话框,我想将其复制到 Coda A 中。

<meta charset="utf-8" />

<title>Usuwanie produktu</title>

<link rel="stylesheet" href="//">
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

$( function() {
        $( "#dialog-message" ).dialog({
                modal: true,
                buttons: {
                        Ok: function() {
                        $( this ).dialog( "close" );
                        window.location.href = "glowny.php?akcja=produkty";
        } );


<div id="dialog-message" title="Usuwanie produktu">
                <span class="ui-icon ui-icon-circle-check" style="float:left; margin:0 7px 50px 0;"></span>
                Wybrany produkt został pomyślnie usunięty z bazy danych.
                Naciśnij OK aby kontynuować.


我对 js/jquery 的经验不超过两天,因此非常欢迎任何帮助。



我会考虑创建您自己的函数而不是 alert()。考虑以下因素:

function alertDiag(c, t){
  if(t == undefined){
    t = "Alert";
  var diag = $("<div>", {
    title: t
  }).html("<p>" + c + "</p>").dialog({
    modal: true,
    buttons: {
      Ok: function() {
        window.location.href = "glowny.php?akcja=produkty";

然后,您可以将 window.alert(str) 替换为 alertDiag(str)。这应该创建并启动对话框。由于您要更改位置并加载新页面,因此不需要关闭对话框。

alertDiag() 将接受 c 作为 HTML 内容。 (可选)它会接受 t 作为标题。如果您想使用特定的标题,则可以按如下方式完成:

alert(str, "Usuwanie produktu");




function goto(url){
  if(url === undefined || url === false){
    return false;
  window.location.href = url;

function alertDiag(c, t, u){
  if(t === undefined){
    t = "Alert";
  if(u === undefined){
    u = false;
  var diag = $("<div>", {
    title: t
  }).html("<p>" + c + "</p>").dialog({
    modal: true,
    buttons: {
      Ok: function(){


alertDiag(str, title, "glowny.php?akcja=produkty");



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