javascript - React Native 问题 - 通过从构造函数调用另一个方法来初始化状态

标签 javascript reactjs react-native asyncstorage

我有一个小型的 React Native 组件,我尝试通过从本地存储(AsyncStorage)读取值来初始化状态。但是当我从构造函数调用外部方法时,我得到 未定义 作为状态值。


constructor(props) {
    this.state = {
       languageChecked: I18n.locale, 
       anonymityChecked: this.pickLocalKey('anonymity', true), 
       locationChecked: this.pickLocalKey('location', false),  
       notificationChecked: this.pickLocalKey('notification', false),
       statisticsChecked: this.pickLocalKey('statistics', false),
    console.log("STATE: " + this.state.anonymityChecked); // UNDEFINED

pickLocalKey(key, defaultValue) {
  AsyncStorage.getItem(key).then((value) => {
    const item = (value !== null && value !== undefined) ? value : defaultValue;
    return item;

有谁知道如何解决这个问题吗? 预先感谢您




如果您需要从 AsyncStorage 加载值并将它们存储在 state 中,您应该在 componentDidMount 中执行此操作

因此在构造函数中设置初始值,添加一个附加值loaded: false。这在以后会变得很重要。

constructor (props) {
  this.state = {
    languageChecked: I18n.locale,
    anonymityChecked: true,
    locationChecked: false,
    notificationChecked: false,
    statisticsChecked: false,
    loaded: false // <- add this additional value

目前,您的 pickLocalKey 函数实际上并未返回任何内容。返回值被困在一个 promise 中。幸运的是,我们可以将函数转换为使用async/await。所以它应该看起来像这样:

pickLocalKey = async (key, defaultValue) => {
  try {
    let value = await AsyncStorage.getItem(key);
    const item = (value !== null && value !== undefined) ? value : defaultValue;
    return item === 'true'; // this will make sure we get a Boolean back as long as you store strings 'true' and 'false' for your Booleans
  } catch (error) {
    return defaultValue;

请注意,await 可能会抛出异常,因此最好将其包装在 try/catch 中。

然后在您的 componentDidMount 中,您应该进行调用以从 AsyncStorage 检索值

async componentDidMount () {
  // these won't throw as we are catching the error before it gets here
  let anonymityChecked = await this.pickLocalKey('anonymity', true);
  let locationChecked = await this.pickLocalKey('location', false);
  let notificationChecked = await this.pickLocalKey('notification', false);
  let statisticsChecked = await this.pickLocalKey('statistics', false);
  // set all items in state in one go as multiple calls to setState are not good
    loaded: true . // <- we set loaded to true
  }, () => console.log(this.state)); // this is how you check state after it has been set

然后在您的 render 中,您现在应该使用 loaded 现在为 true 的事实来渲染正确的 View :

render () {
  if (this.state.loaded) {
    return (
      this is the view that you actually want to show
  } else {
    return (
      this is the view that you will show when everything is loading


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