javascript - 为什么等待函数会导致 "Invalid left-hand side in assignment"?

标签 javascript promise async-await


   for(let b = 0; b < uniqueMenuItems.length; b++ )
      uniqueMenuItems[b] = uniqueMenuItems[b].replace(/®.*/, "");
      await drinks[b] = I.scrape({"xpath":".//*[text()=\"" + uniqueMenuItems[b] + "\"]//following::*[@class=\"productControllers custom-product-ctrls\"][1]/div/div/select"}, uniqueMenuItems[b]);

此代码出现错误:“await Drinks[b] = I.scrape(”

当不等待运行时,drinks 变量充满了promise,这不是我期望的,我希望 I.scrape 返回字符串数据。

I.scrap 这样做:

  async scrape(locator, uniqueMenuItem, I) {
    let driver = this.helpers.Protractor.browser;
    let pricingCalories = [""];
    let selectDropdowns = [""];
    let elementExists;
    //Look for options under the item name, if avilable loop all options and process base price and calories
    driver.element(locator).isPresent().then((result) => {
      //console.log(elementExists); //debug element existance results
      if (result) {
        console.log("Dropdown options exist for locator" + locator);
        selectDropdowns = this.getElementsText(locator);
        for(let a = 0; a < selectDropdowns.length; a++){
          I.selectOption({"xpath":"" + locator + ""}, selectDropdowns[a]);
          pricingCalories[a] += selectDropdowns[a];
          pricingCalories[a] += this.getElementsText({"xpath":".//*[text()=\"" + uniqueMenuItem + "\"]/following::*[@class=\"productPrice ng-scope\"][1]"}) + " ";
          pricingCalories[a] += " " + this.getElementsText({"xpath":".//*[text()=\"" + uniqueMenuItem + "\"]/following::*[@class=\"caloriesInfo ng-scope\"][1]"}) + " ";
        return pricingCalories.toString();
      //if select options are unavilable process the visible price and calories 
      console.log('No options, attempting collection of single item price and calorie data');
      pricingCalories[0] = this.getElementsText({"xpath":".//*[text()=\"" + uniqueMenuItem + "\"]/following::*[@class=\"productPrice ng-scope\"][1]"})  + " ";
      pricingCalories[0] += " " + this.getElementsText({"xpath":".//*[text()=\"" + uniqueMenuItem + "\"]/following::*[@class=\"caloriesInfo ng-scope\"][1]"}) + " ";
      return pricingCalories[0].toString();


您正在尝试await Drinks[b](其中drinks[b]被视为 promise ),然后分配I.scrape... code> 的结果。


您可能想要等待 promise I.scrape... 的结果,然后将 that 分配给 drinks[b] 在这种情况下你需要:

drinks[b] = await I.scrape(

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