javascript - 如何在输入元素之外使用 onkeydown?

标签 javascript onkeydown

我在 JS Canvas 上有点。我点击它们来启动不同的功能。 我已经在使用右键单击和左键单击,但如果我在左键单击时按下 SHIFT,我想做一些不同的事情。

我需要检测 onkeydown,但光标不在输入元素中。 我怎样才能做到这一点?


function getPosition3(event) // to get click position in canvas3
{   var canvas = document.getElementById("canvas3");
    mousePos = getMousePos(canvas, event); 
    ge3.px = mousePos.x; = mousePos.y;
    p2g(ge3);       // converts pixels to graphic coordinates ge3.gx &
    closestDist = 5000000;
    chn = -1; // will contain index of the closest hedge to the click
    [nearestX, nearestY, chn] = nearestHedge(ge3.gx,;
    rnddot(ge3, nearestX, nearestY, 4, '#000000', 0);

    if (event.which==3) {popit(chn);} //popup graph on right click 
    else {poptxt(chn);} 
// Here I'd like to detect onkeydown to allow another option



使用 window.addEventListener("keydown/keyup", ... 将 keydownkeyup 事件附加到 window ) 并保留一个全局变量来跟踪 Shift 键按下状态。

然后在 getPosition3 函数中检查该变量。

var shiftPressed = false;
window.addEventListener("keydown", function(ev) {
    shiftPressed = ev.shiftKey; // or whatever property. Just written on-the-fly and I'm not sure if is shiftKey.
window.addEventListener("keyup", function(ev) {
    shiftPressed = ev.shiftKey;

function getPosition3(event) {
    // [...]
    // blah blah
    // [...]
    if (shiftPressed) {
        // Things

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