mongodb - Meteor:从 mongodb 渲染内容后应用函数

标签 mongodb meteor sage

我正在使用 sage cell 将 html 转换为数学内容

Template.home.rendered = function(){
  \\ apply sagecell and mathjax

但是,渲染的内容来自 mongo,因此有时会在应用 sage cell 后加载。我可以做这样的事情

Template.home.rendered = function(){
    if (Content.findOne({_id: ...})){
      \\ apply sagecell and mathjax




<template name='pendingAnswer'>
    The answer to your question, coming back whenever, is:

<template name='answer'>

    fromSage: function () {  

Invoked whenever - from a button, from navigating to the page, on blur...        
function GetAnswerFromSage(data) {
        callHTTP(website,data, callbackFromSage)

function callbackFromSage(err, data) {
        if (err) then log(err);
        Session.set('fromSage', data);

之前:尝试在检索 mongo 时进行转换: From Meteor Doc

// An Animal class that takes a document in its constructor
Animal = function (doc) {
  _.extend(this, doc);
_.extend(Animal.prototype, {
  makeNoise: function () {

// Define a Collection that uses Animal as its document
Animals = new Meteor.Collection("Animals", {
  transform: function (doc) { return new Animal(doc); }

// Create an Animal and call its makeNoise method
Animals.insert({name: "raptor", sound: "roar"});
Animals.findOne({name: "raptor"}).makeNoise(); // prints "roar"

关于mongodb - Meteor:从 mongodb 渲染内容后应用函数,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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