php - 允许用户选择页面上的任意元素

标签 php javascript jquery html ajax

我正在编写一个模板系统,该系统应该支持轻松地将任何旧的 html/xhtml 表单转换为可以在我的系统中使用的格式(它是我的 cms 的模板系统)。


  1. 用户点击“区域定义”按钮,例如:“内容”、“侧边栏”等
  2. 当用户将鼠标悬停在任何元素上时,它们会出现边框或以某种方式突出显示
  3. 如果用户点击该元素,它就会被修改为具有“zone-content”之类的类
  4. 页面通过ajax将新的html发送到脚本



我最终使用了下面的答案并组合了一个 jquery 解决方案(我们将在项目的其余部分使用 jquery)。它有点丑陋和老套,但它有效


我个人是ExtJS (now Sencha)的粉丝,使用该框架可以非常简单直接地做到这一点。我就是这样做的:

  <button id="content_define" class="zone_define">Content</button>
  <button id="sidebar_define" class="zone_define">Sidebar</button>
  <div id="template">
    <!-- put your template here -->

<script type="text/javascript">
Ext.onReady(function() {'button.zone_define').on('click', function(ev, target) {

    // this listener is bound to two buttons, determine which one was pressed
    var zone ='_')[0]; // 'content' or 'sidebar'

    // add a click listener listener to the template so that when an element within is clicked,
    // an Ajax request is initiated
    var template = Ext.get('template');
    template.addClass('targetable').on('click', function(ev, target) {

      // this part is optional, in case the user clicks an <a> or <img> element,
      // you may want to get the block element containing the clicked element
      var target = ev.getTarget('div'); // or ul, table, p, whatever

      // invoke zone_capture on the click target (or containing block element)
      zone_capture(zone, target);
    }, window, {single: true});
    // the {single: true} part removes this listener after one click,
    // so the user has to go back and press the button again if they want to redefine

  // this is the code to do the ajax request
  // and also add a class to the target element
  function zone_capture(zone, target) {
    // first, remove the class from elements which are already defined as this zone'#template .{0}_zone', zone)).removeClass(zone + '_zone');

    // now add that class to the target
    target.addClass(zone + '_zone');

    // do the POST
      method: 'POST',
      url: '/region/define',
      params: { // these are the params POSTed to your script
        template: Ext.get('template').dom.innerHTML

我还会添加以下用于悬停效果等的 CSS 规则。

#template.targetable:hover div { /* add div, p, table, whatever */
  border: 1px solid #f00;

#template.targetable {
  cursor: crosshair;


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