javascript - 延迟 qTip 关闭

标签 javascript jquery qtip

如何延迟 qTip2 插件关闭,以便用户可以单击工具提示中的链接?当您将鼠标悬停在我的网站上的我的电子邮件地址上时,我希望获得社交网络的链接。


请参阅文档中的 hide.fixed 和 hide.delay 属性:

hide.fixed: When set to true, the tooltip will not hide if moused over, allowing the contents to be clicked and interacted with. Note: Adding a hide delay is generally done when this is enabled to give the user time to mouseover the tooltip before hiding.

hide.delay: Time in milliseconds by which to delay hiding of the tooltip when the hide.event is triggered on the

   content: {
      text: $('<a href="">Visit Google</a>'),
   hide: {
      fixed: true, // Let the user mouse into the tip
      delay: 500 // Don't hide right away so that they can mouse into it

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