c# - 尽管没有进行算术运算,但 IMongoCollection<T>.UpdateOneAsync 中出现 OverflowException

标签 c# mongodb

我遇到了 'System.OverflowException' in MongoDB.Bson.dll ( Additional information: Arithmetic operation resulted in an overflow. ),当调用 UpdateOneAsync 时不知道为什么:

CarSpec spec = GetSpec();
var updateDefinition = Builders<Cars>.Update.Set(c => c.Spec, spec);
IMongoCollection<CarBatch> carsBatch = GetCarsBatch();
var result = await carsBatch.UpdateOneAsync(c => c.Id == car.Id, updateDefinition);


public class Car {
    public string Id;
    public ServiceVersion CurrentVersion = new ServiceVersion();
    public CarSpec Spec = new CarSpec();
    public List<StatusNotice> StatusNotifications = new List<StatusNotice>();

public class CarSpec {
    internal const uint InitialChasisNumber = 1000000000;

    public uint ChasisNumber = InitialChasisNumber;
    public uint DoorsCount;



没有与 uint 数据类型相关的东西吗?尝试更新为 int 并告诉我们结果。

正如您在 MongoDB 文档中看到的,支持的可用 BSON 类型不包括 uint32。


关于c# - 尽管没有进行算术运算,但 IMongoCollection<T>.UpdateOneAsync 中出现 OverflowException,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/32018073/


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