javascript - JavaScript 有问题

标签 javascript html

我对网页设计和与之相关的编程非常陌生。我正在使用 JavaScript 制作一个简单的画廊,我知道使用 jQuery 非常容易。但是我不被允许使用它(作业)。


var img = new Array(); //declared globally, accessed by other functions
function displayImage(){

var img_num = document.getElementById('img_num').getAttribute("value");


var list_width = 0;
for(var i=0;i<img_num;i++) 
   document.getElementById('list_holder').innerHTML += "<img src='" +img[i]+ "'onclick=\"show(;\" height = \"70%;\"id='"+i+"'/>";
   list_width += document.getElementById(i).offsetWidth + 15;

document.getElementById('list_holder').style.width = list_width+"px";
return false;


我在 JS 中使用它们将路径存储在数组中 img使用img.push 。然后我使用数组中的值来创建那么多 <img>标签(指定高度,宽度由宽高比决定。现在我需要计算这些 div 的父 img ('list_width') 的总宽度标签,所以我想到使用 list_width+=document.getElementById(i).offsetWidth

但是发生的情况是,当我第一次打开页面时,实际宽度没有被返回。它返回 4 ,这基本上是我计算的标签的最小宽度。仅在刷新页面时它才能按预期工作。我知道我可以通过在加载页面后刷新一次页面来使用解决方法,但我想知道是否有任何“首选”或“专业”方法可以做到这一点。



您必须等待图像加载。您是 Javascript 新手,但您已经不得不面对异步编程。让我们在评论中看到这一点:

var img = []; // faster to type, use this syntax if you
              // don't define an initial length
function displayImage() {
    // The attribute value defines the initial value of the input element, and
    // it may differ from the actual value. So use the value property, not the
    // attribute.
    var img_num = document.getElementById('img_num').value;

    for(var j=0; j<img_num; j++) // Watch out, without var j is global!

    var list_width = 0,
        // We're referincing this element a lot, better store it
        lholder = document.getElementById('list_holder'),
        htmllist = []; // See the trick
    for(var i=0; i<img_num; i++)
        htmllist.push("<img src='" +img[i]
            + "'onclick=\"show(;\" height = \"70%;\"id='"+i+"'/>");

    // Every time you set innerHTML, using = or +=, the browser has to parse
    // the code and rebuild the content, and it's an expensive task. Set this
    // property only once you already computed all the HTML you need.
    lholder.innerHTML = htmllist.join("");

    var loaded = 0;
    for(var i=0; i<img_num; i++)
        // You don't know when the images will be loaded. But when an image is
        // loaded, it triggers the load event that you can listen setting the
        // onload property (or, in a more modern way, setting an event listener
        // with addEventListener or attachEvent in older IE). Count the images
        // that are loaded, and when they're all loaded do your stuff.
        lholder.childNodes[i].onload = function() {
            if (++loaded < img_num) return;
            for(var i=0; i<img_num; i++)
                list_width += lholder.childNodes[i].offsetWidth;
   = list_width + "px";

    return false;

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