javascript - 在javascript中访问数组的元素

标签 javascript

我想在 JavaScript 中访问数组中的元素,而无需执行 for 循环来访问它。


var array = [{
    "title": "Warnings",
    "numbers": 30,
    "content": [{
        "number": 3001,
        "description": "There may be a problem with the device you are using if you use the default profile"
}, {
    "title": "Errors",
    "numbers": 20,
    "content": [{
         "number": 1000,
         "description": "No network is loaded"

我想访问“Warnings”的“content”属性,而不执行 for 循环。我当前正在执行的访问操作如下:

var content;
for(a in array) {
    if(a.title == "Warnings") {
        content = a.content;

这在 javascript 中可行吗?



var data = {
  "Warnings": {
    "numbers": 30,
    "content": [
        "number" : 3001,
        "description" : "There may be a problem with the device you are using if you use the default profile"
  "Errors": {
    "numbers": 20,
    "content": [
        "number": 1000,
        "description": "No network is loaded"

然后,您可以通过 data.Warnings 访问警告,并通过 data.Errors 访问错误。

如果您不介意 null 导致测试失败,您可以使用 if (data.Warnings)if (data.Errors) 来测试它们是否存在,或者if (data.Warnings === undefined) 如果您想测试数据是否存在。


var 内容 = data.Warnings ? data.Warnings.content : '';

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