javascript - "Object doesn' t 支持属性或方法 'push' "

标签 javascript angularjs angularjs-scope

我正在尝试将新值添加到 AngularJS 中的现有 JSON 对象中,但收到此错误消息:

"Object doesn't support property or method 'push'"


$scope.addStatus = function (text) {          
          $scope.application.push({ 'status': text }); //I have tried 'put' but getting the error

 $scope.create = function( application ){
        $scope.addStatus('Under review');

这是我的应用程序 json 的样子:

{"type":"Not completed","source":"mail","number":"123-23-4231","amount":"234.44","name":"John ","id":"123","by_phone":true}

我想将状态附加/添加到上面的 json 中,添加 status 属性后看起来像这样:

{"type":"Not completed","source":"mail","number":"123-23-4231","amount":"234.44","name":"John ","id":"123","by_phone":true, "status": "under review"}




// instead of this
// $scope.application.push({ 'status': text });
// use this
$scope.application.status = text;

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