javascript - Angular Directive(指令)隔离范围 : scope function won't execute

标签 javascript angularjs angularjs-directive angularjs-scope isolate-scope


<!DOCTYPE html>

  <script src=""></script>
    angular.module('MyApp', [])
      .directive('myScopedDirective', function() {
        return {
          scope: {}, // <!-- isolate scope breaks things
          controller: function($scope) {
            // isolate scope prevents this function from being executed
            $ = function() {
              alert('myScopedDirective / foo()');

  <div ng-app="MyApp">
    <!-- button doesn't work unless isolate scope is removed -->
    <button my-scoped-directive ng-click="foo()">directive container - foo()</button>




它不起作用,因为您在不同的范围内使用了 2 个指令:ngClickmyScopedDirective。您需要为指令创建一个模板并调用 click 函数,如下所示:

<!DOCTYPE html>

  <script src=""></script>
    angular.module('MyApp', [])
      .directive('myScopedDirective', function() {
        return {
          restrict: 'AE', // Can be defined as element or attribute
          scope: {},
          // Call the click function from your directive template
          template: '<button ng-click="foo()">directive container - foo()</button>',
          controller: function($scope) {
            $ = function() {
              alert('myDirective / foo()');

  <div ng-app="MyApp">



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