c# - ObjectId 数组的 MongoDB C# BsonRepresentation

标签 c# mongodb asp.net-mvc-4 asp.net-web-api mongodb-.net-driver


  "_id" : ObjectId("4fbb728d80db260988580e05"),
  "titleFull" : "Foo, Inc",
  "titleShort" : "Foo",
  "countries" : [
     ObjectId("4fba05f880db260988cd5cfd") ],
  "type" : "company"

ASP.NET MVC 4 Web API 项目中的此类:

public class Company
  public String id { get; set; }
  public String titleFull { get; set; }
  public String titleShort { get; set; }
  //public String[] countries { get; set; } — not working
  public ObjectId[] countries { get; set; }
  public String type { get; set; }

当我在 /api/countries 上发送 GET 请求时,我收到 JSON 文档(它是 mvc 反序列化):

  "id": "4fba097e80db2609886ce7f2",
  "titleFull": "Foo, LLC",
  "titleShort": "Foo",
  "countries": [
      "_increment": 16299527
      "_machine": 8444710
      "_pid": 2440
      "_timestamp": 1337591023
      "_increment": 13458685
      "_machine": 8444710
      "_pid": 2440
      "_timestamp": 1337591288
  "type": "company"

有没有办法像这样做 JSON 响应:

  "id": "4fba097e80db2609886ce7f2",
  "titleFull": "Foo, LLC",
  "titleShort": "Foo",
  "countries": ["4fba04ef80db260988f8b607","4fba05f880db260988cd5cfd"],
  "type": "company"


future 读者须知

Rober Stam 在谷歌群组中写道:

There is a bug in the deserialization code. In the case of an array the [BsonRepresentation] attribute is in fact applied to the items and not the array.

I've created a JIRA ticket for this:



关于c# - ObjectId 数组的 MongoDB C# BsonRepresentation,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/10781480/


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