python - MongoEngine 模式 - 名称错误

标签 python mongodb mongoengine

我在名为 的文件中有以下模式

from mongoengine import *

class Subject(Document):
    uri = StringField(required=True)
    resources = ListField(ReferenceField(ResourceSubject))

class ResourceSubject(Document):
    subject = ReferenceField(Subject,reverse_delete_rule=CASCADE)
    resource = ReferenceField(Resource)

class Resource(EmbeddedDocument):
    uri = StringField()
    title = StringField()
    snippet = StringField()
    image = StringField()
    source = StringField()
    adapter = StringField()

出于某种原因,当我尝试初始化一个主题时,subj = Subject(uri="hello").save() 我收到一个名称错误:NameError: name 'ResourceSubject ' 未定义


此行引发错误:resources = ListField(ReferenceField(ResourceSubject))


ResourceSubject 放入引号:

resources = ListField(ReferenceField('ResourceSubject'))

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