javascript - 解构 javascript - 写得更好

标签 javascript

我有这样一个数组,并且相同的 id 总是在对象中重复:

const array =    [
            id: 1,
            name: "test",
            id: 1,
            name: "test2",

我想将 id 分配给变量,但我想做得比以下更好:

const { id } = array[0];



and I would like to assign id to the variable

该示例中有两个 id。您的版本很好,但您也可以在对象解构之上使用数组解构:

const [{id}] = array; // For the first one
const [, {id}] = array; // For the second one

const array =    [
        id: 1,
        name: "test",
        id: 2, // *** Note I changed it
        name: "test2",

    const [{id}] = array;
    console.log("First one:", id);
    const [, {id}] = array;
    console.log("Second one:", id);

如果你想从任意索引中获取它,而不是一堆逗号(如 const [, , , , , {id}] =... ),你可以使用 object解构(因为数组是对象):

const {23: {id}} = array; // Same as const {id} = array[23];

const array = Array.from({length: 24}, (_, i) => ({id: i + 1, name: `Test ${i + 1}`}));

const {23: {id}} = array; // Same as const {id} = array[23];
console.log("At index 23:", id);

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