javascript - 为什么 mousedown 不能在 <html> 标签上工作?

标签 javascript jquery

mousedown 事件仅在我单击元素而不是 html 元素时才起作用。为什么以及我能做什么?

var curFocus;
$(document.body).delegate('*','mousedown', function(){
    if ((this != curFocus) && // don't bother if this was the previous active element                
        ($(curFocus).is('.field'))  // if it was a .field that was blurred
    ) {
        $('.' + $(curFocus).attr("id")).removeClass("visible"); // take action based on the blurred element

    curFocus = this; // log the newly focussed element for the next event


<html>标签有点笼统,它包含不可见的元素,例如 <head> ,尝试使用<body>标签。

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