php - JavaScript 到 PHP 数组

标签 php javascript


var achievementData = {
    "achievements": { 
        0: {
            "id": 0,
            "title": "All Around Submitter",
            "description": "Submit and approved one piece of content in all six areas.",
            "xp": 500,
            "level_req": 3
        1: {
            "id": 1,
            "title": "Worldwide Photographer",
            "description": "Submit and approved one piece of image content in all six areas.",
            "xp": 1200,
            "level_req": 1
        2: {
            "id": 2,
            "title": "Super Submitter",
            "description": "Get approved 10 players and 2 clubs in one week or less.",
            "xp": 2500,
            "level_req": 5


这是 JavaScript,那么我如何将其转换为 PHP?我尝试更改括号并查找有关 PHP 数组的信息,但看起来这只是简单的示例。


您应该使用 json_decode() 将该字符串转换为 php 中有用的内容,将第二个参数设置为 true 它将为您提供一个关联数组。

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