javascript - backbone.js 是什么类型的架构?

标签 javascript backbone.js

在此tutorial here ,其中有 3 个,我看到他们从模型中调用 View 。

在我见过的所有图表中,都应该有一个 Controller 来协调这种交互。

我不是在提示,但他们是否违反了严格的 MVC 模式?

就跟踪依赖关系而言, Controller 应该依赖于模型和 View 。

模型和 View 应该彼此独立,并且独立于 Controller 。

Backbone 是否打破了 MVC 模式?


无论如何,Backbone 都不是 MVC。 View 充当 Controller ,违背了 MVC 关注点分离的目的。

( View / Controller )还包含在严格的 MVC 中保留在模型中的逻辑。


How does Backbone relate to "traditional" MVC? Different implementations of the Model-View-Controller pattern tend to disagree about the definition of a controller. If it helps any, in Backbone, the View class can also be thought of as a kind of controller, dispatching events that originate from the UI, with the HTML template serving as the true view. We call it a View because it represents a logical chunk of UI, responsible for the contents of a single DOM element.

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